Healthcare Expert Wants To Hear From Conservatives – What Parts of the AHCA Did You Disagree With? – IOTW Report

Healthcare Expert Wants To Hear From Conservatives – What Parts of the AHCA Did You Disagree With?

What if anything in the American Health Care Act did you disagree with and if so why?

1.) Repealing the Individual Mandate which requires those who do not purchase overpriced Obamacare health insurance to pay a penalty to the IRS.
2.) Repealing the Employer Mandate so that employers can once again offer FULL TIME jobs instead of restricting their job applicants to 29.5 hours in order to avoid paying for overpriced Obamacare health insurance.
3.) Repealing the Obamacare subsidies, which would be the first time in U.S. history that we actually repealed an entitlement.
4.) Placing per capita caps on Medicaid enrollees.
5.) Block granting Medicaid to the states
6.) Reducing the deficit.
7.) Cutting spending by $1.2 trillion.
8.) Repealing $600 billion in Obamacare TAXES.
9.) Re-creating state High Risk Health insurance pools (which is how health insurance risk in the individual marketplace it was managed for 20 years before Obamacare under HIPAA law). By doing so we would have once again removed the sickest 5% (responsible for 50% of costs) from the healthy pool in order to once again lower premiums for those who are healthy. Remember how much lower health insurance premiums were BEFORE Obamacare?
10.) Granting $100 billion over 9 years to the states to ensure that every state has a well funded high risk health insurance pool so that the 5% who are the sickest are guaranteed coverage. Keep in mind that whilst that may seem like a lot of money, it is MUCH less than the $56 billion we will spend just THIS YEAR on Obamacare subsidies.
11.) Repealing “Community Rating” so that young people pay much less for health insurance than they do now, thereby reincentivizing them to REENTER the health insurance pool and lower costs for everyone.
12.) Providing tax CREDITS (not “entitlements”) so that you can KEEP more of your OWN money so that health insurance costs less for you and your family. A tax CREDIT is NOT an “entitlement”. It just means you pay less to the IRS so you keep more of your own money to spend on health insurance. Is a CHILD tax CREDIT an ‘entitlement’?
13.) A one year 30% underwriting load applied to those who do not keep consistent health insurance coverage and instead wait until they are sick to buy health insurance. These “system gamers” increasing premiums for everyone. This also was how risk was managed in the individual health insurance market for 20 years before Obamacare under HIPAA law.

Understanding what could have happened had we come together


32 Comments on Healthcare Expert Wants To Hear From Conservatives – What Parts of the AHCA Did You Disagree With?

  1. I understand Mr. Tucker’s argument & it is a very valid one. I hope he is correct in his assessments of the AHCA. If only the repugnicans could have sold it as well as Mr. Tucker has, it could have passed.

    I don’t have as much faith in the Senate as Mr. Tucker has … frankly, I don’t think phase 1 would have passed the Senate

  2. For a start,

    9.) Re-creating state High Risk Health insurance pools (which is how health insurance risk in the individual marketplace it was managed for 20 years before Obamacare under HIPAA law). By doing so we would have once again removed the sickest 5% (responsible for 50% of costs) from the healthy pool in order to once again lower premiums for those who are healthy. Remember how much lower health insurance premiums were BEFORE Obamacare?
    10.) Granting $100 billion over 9 years to the states to ensure that every state has a well funded high risk health insurance pool so that the 5% who are the sickest are guaranteed coverage. Keep in mind that whilst that may seem like a lot of money, it is MUCH less than the $56 billion we will spend just THIS YEAR on Obamacare subsidies.

    $11 billion per year will not cover the 5% that are the sickest.

    And I still say, as bad as obamacare is, it is not our biggest problem. Borders and the costs associated with illegal aliens, debt, unfunded liabilities, deterioration in our National Defence capabilities. We have more problems than can be fixed in 4 years.

  3. The part of- ‘if you’re a citizen, you have to buy this insurance or we’ll fine you, and if you’re an illegal the insurance is free’ part stops me from supporting any of it.
    Get that out of there, then we can work on mandatory abortion coverage for nuns and all the rest.

  4. The AHCA NEVER even attempts to stop the federal government from meddling with the health care of private individuals. It leaves the feds in charge of who gets health care and how it is delivered in perpetuity. That’s a major sticking point f0r me and many other conservatives.

  5. Revoke ALL of the ACA (O’BozoCare). There is no Federal Constitutional authorization for any of it.

    BUT…….due to the tentacles that the DildoCrats have entwined throughout today’s society, like a brain cancer, you can’t just chop the ACA (PTU! PTU!) out at one go. You have to dismantle and remove it, little by little, piece by piece. It will take time.

  6. It needs to kill the insurance companies, not prop them up. They have a profit motive to deny care – they will do everything possible to deny care. It doesn’t work.

    They have spent at least the last 60+ years proving it doesn’t work. We don’t need an insurance system, we need a health care system.

    Congress and their families must be required to participate in the same system everyone else does, and the wealthy corporate executive assholes, too, or it will suck.

    It can’t give free shit to illegal aliens: The corporations want to externalize the cost of their illegal alien labor medical expense onto the American taxpayer. This must end.

    Illegal aliens get stabilized and deported. I’d be OK with literally throwing them out into the street for ICE to deal with.

    Diversity has killed whatever compassion I might once have had for these people. I don’t care about their welfare. They need to go. They are not our responsibility.

    The fundamental problems are the open border and ‘diversity.’ No system can work with open borders and such an excessive number of useless Third World shit-tier parasites.

    Government spending on health care is about $1.6 trillion per year – just over $5000 per capita. We could implement an American version of the UK’s NHS for about 80% of this cost. I don’t care that it’s socialist. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

    I don’t care how loudly the libertarians larp about their ‘free markets,’ and ‘muh competition’ fetishes – it doesn’t work for health care. It’s never going to work for health care.

    We need something that actually works, not something that complies with an insane list of largely fictional ‘principles’ and can’t and won’t actually work in the real world.

  7. You’re all acting as though there were some Constitutional authorization for the central govt to have anything to do with medical professionals and their patients and and any voluntary medical payment systems they come up with.

  8. Something that would go a long way towards making medical care and medical insurance more affordable would be TORT REFORM, so bastards like John Edwards can’t get rich driving OB-GYN doctors out of practice.

    How about we make it so the lawyers only get 10% of any settlement?

  9. Doesn’t it seem more natural to resist government involvement in our health care, than to accept partial involvement, over complete involvement? We should be resisting all this shit, what are we fucking thinking?

  10. Aside from the obvious….that the government should not be involved in the 1st place, I don’t like the fact that because of that involvement, I lost my coverage in 2012 and cannot afford to get coverage, yet I get fined for not having coverage! KISS MY HAIRY IRISH ASS YOU F**KING PUKES.

  11. Agreed, Bongo.
    I’m closing in on dropping coverage.
    The breaking point is coming.
    They’re making it impossible by not addressing costs while giving access to illegals which drives up costs because they are deadbeats. All of this is forcing me out of the market. Then they fine you.

    How are the feds so tied to healthcare that they can fine you?

  12. Healthcare Expert Wants To Hear From Conservatives – What Parts of the AHCA Did You Disagree With?

    I disagree with the fact that government somehow justifies it’s own self-appointed premise that THEY should somehow be in control of my life via my healthcare choices without MY consent.

    The sole function of government should be to foster an atmosphere that promotes individual freedom and liberty without forcing its citizens to grant Cesar his pinch of incense.

    Everything that bill “offered” is based entirely off of an unconstitutional illegal law that has no reason to be in the first place. Working to fix the law only lends it an undeserved legitimacy.

    I hope it (ObamaCare) morts into a smoking hole in the ground in spectacular fashion – even if it ultimately leads to a full-on shooting civil war between the snowflake generation and everyone else who’s actually toiled the soil for the past 50 years.

    Until then……

  13. I’m completing the application process for Medishare and plan to drop my coverage. I quit my boss in September last year and the cheapest insurance I could find on our state’s exchange was almost $3,000/month. Opted for COBRA instead, which is about $750. It chaps my ass every month I have to write that check.

  14. Maybe I speak only for myself but the issue here is much larger than the devils in the details.

    The R’s spent years putting forth useless REPEALS! that they knew Obama would veto, and so were safe.

    Never once can I recall anyone ever saying there were technical or procedural problems with any of those proposed repeals.

    Now, all the sudden, it’s very complicated and takes various experts to try to tell us why the Rs couldn’t do what they spent 6 years giving the impression they were fully prepared to do.

    It’s not about the details. It’s about TRUST. The Rs are sabotaging their own re-election, neutralizing Trump, and setting the stage for the Left to ascend once more and likely never lose power.

    So at the risk of offending a lot of you, many of you all are discussing the best way to have bailed water while the boat continues to sink and the Rs drill more holes in the boat behind our backs.

  15. Republicans are like the dog that catches the car. As a minority, it’s all snarls, growls and barking while chasing. But catch it, and it’s lie on the ground with a befuddled look on their face.

  16. On March 8 Jim Jones introduced the same bill to repeal Obamacare (written by now sec of HHS Price) that passed the House and Senate in 2015 and was vetoed by Obama. That bill was co-sponsored by Meadows. It languishes in committee.

    Idiot Ryan pushed his “better way” agenda because he’s a mediocre politician that lobbyists told him is brilliant, once again clutching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  17. “What Parts of the AHCA Did You Disagree With?”
    “What Parts of National Socialism Did You Disagree With?”
    “What Parts of Totalitarianism Did You Disagree With?”
    “What Parts of Tyranny Did You Disagree With?”
    “What Parts of North Korean Communism Did You Disagree With?”
    “What Parts of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question Did You Disagree With?”

    All interesting questions, but, nonetheless, ALL quite beside the point.

    Gov’t intrusion into the Medical Care and Health Insurance of Americans (outside of “regulating commerce” among the states) is beyond the scope of the Constitution and its (the FedGov’s) abilities and the desires and needs of the American people.

    What part do these Statist/Totalitarians/Corrupt-o-crats NOT understand?
    Didn’t last November tip them off?

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. All of it. It needs to be Repealed completely before anything else happens. The world will not end, Grandma’s everywhere are not going to be dying on the street, etc. Monthly tax credits are a subsidy, since the people that qualify get EITC, Fed welfare from FICA ‘contributions’, and have no tax to credit in the first place.

  19. Mr. Tucker, would you rate your job effort before and after Obamacare became law? A scale of 1 to 10 would be nice. Was insurance the bogeyman before Ocare, because Health Care was so cheap and the insurance companies were overcharging?
    What real, real difference would it make to completely repeal entirely? How many lost their ‘coverage’ when Ocare became law, vs. how many would lose their ‘free’ or ‘reduced cost’ insurance if it were repealed?
    Why is it the Gov’t MUST pass a greater crap to ‘correct’ a lesser crap? Why is it that Congress MUST do something, anything, a certain way or not at all?
    I also think a Fed court would have overturned any change to Ocare, anyway, so all this is probably a moot point.

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