Here’s Another Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About – IOTW Report

Here’s Another Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Here is just another example of why I despise the media in most all forms. Not just because they are not really Journalist, or they are not reporters, or do no good for the profession of writing. Nay, many have become nothing but propagandist and Righteous Catalogers of Victimizations.

They see perils and hate in everything older than themselves by denying context.  Which brings us to one Caitlin Flanagan, Social Critic and Professional Killjoy at the once, long long ago, prestigious Atlantic Magazine.

In what you would expect to read from a little bitch like Brian Stelter,  Flanagan devoted no fewer than 1,500 words to deconstructing that bane on the nation’s conscience: the 1964 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer holiday TV special. more here

13 Comments on Here’s Another Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About

  1. The dirty, little secret is Leftists go to great legths to superimpose their ideas on others mostly to reinforce their beliefes in their own tiny minds because deep down they know they’re wrong!

  2. Politicians and Presstitutes have taken America from “Never let a crisis go to waste” to “Never let a created crisis go to waste”. If WTP allow this election to be stolen, our lives to be interrupted, our children to be conditioned etc… our elected overlords will do this time and again to get what they want from us.
    FACT: We get the government we tolerate.

  3. The media IS more than social babysitters. The babysitters have become molesters. They have malice in their heart, stupid ambition in their little heads.

    And a fiery demise in their not-too-distant future.
    FAUX should be relieved it was only their ratings that went down in flames. Are you listening Paul Ryan?

  4. I’m right with you Jimmy about turning them off completely.

    I think they done rotted my East Coast brother’s brains out.
    He stayed in his house, as commanded, and he watched too much boobtube and now his opinions have gotten soft and foul.


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