Hey, As Long As He Identifies As a Non-Felon He’s a Non-Felon – IOTW Report

Hey, As Long As He Identifies As a Non-Felon He’s a Non-Felon

Harvey alderman?s criminal record raises questions

A convicted felon ran for alderman just outside of Chicago, and he won. But he omitted a small little fact from his bio – he did hard time for selling drugs and possessing a stolen automobile.

ABC– “You cannot let your past hold your future hostage,” Brown said.

Brown, who is a barber and motivational speaker, says he’s known for some time, that felons may not hold municipal office in Illinois. He says he began the process to have his record expunged but could not finish it before the election.

“I guess my timeline of expectations when it would actually take place were not met,” Brown said.


ht/ rob e.

In related news, Jesse Jackson Jr. can run for congress again. Yep. An alderman can’t, but you can run, on the federal level, with a felony. 

That’s the elite pols looking after one another.

10 Comments on Hey, As Long As He Identifies As a Non-Felon He’s a Non-Felon

  1. “In related news, Jesse Jackson Jr. can run for congress again.”

    And he will probably be elected once again!! Thanks all you low information voters out there…

  2. At the federanl level there is no crime too terrible that keeps you from being elected. And we wonder what’s wrong with America.

    Hell if you’re half-black you can run for president and not be vetted. 🙄

  3. “I guess my timeline of expectations when it would actually take place were not met,” Brown said.

    With bullshit patter like that, this guy should set his sets higher than alderman.
    Like maybe even POTUS.

  4. if his constituents are dumb enough to vote him back in they deserve him. Trouble is they are inflicting him on the rest of the country and the rest of us do not deserve him.

  5. Can’t be a felon and run for public office in Illinois. Are you effing kidding me?!? When did that rule go into effect?

    Wait, my mistake, you can’t leave public office in Illinois until you become a felon.

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