Hey Man, Nice Catch – Firefighter Catches Girl Thrown From 3rd Floor Balcony – IOTW Report

Hey Man, Nice Catch – Firefighter Catches Girl Thrown From 3rd Floor Balcony

ht/ annie

My favorite comment somewhere on social media was – “Okay, this is heroic, but not as heroic as Caitlyn Jenner.”

Another favorite moment was when a SJW went off on how the firefighters threw the girl from 3 stories up, implying that this is what they do with black people. When thy were told to go back and watch more carefully, I wish I was a fly on the wall.

13 Comments on Hey Man, Nice Catch – Firefighter Catches Girl Thrown From 3rd Floor Balcony

  1. Well done.

    And THAT is why Firefighters cannot be 5’2″ 90 pound girls.

    Even the Soviets abandoned that notion.

    Again, well done. Hope that little girl has a great life.

  2. Let’s go to instant replay to make sure the firefighter maintained possession of the little girl all the way to the ground. Yes, he did and the call of heroism is confirmed.

  3. @Rufus T. Firefly: Fire departments also don’t like to hire ex-professional football players, especially wide receivers. The problem is, whenever they manage to catch a small baby, sometimes they can’t overcome their natural instinct to spike the ball.


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