High School Athlete Makes Personal Choice Not To Wrestle a Female and It Becomes Big News – IOTW Report

High School Athlete Makes Personal Choice Not To Wrestle a Female and It Becomes Big News


To Brendan Johnston, it was a simple choice. The 18-year-old senior wrestler from The Classical Academy in Colorado had never competed against a girl, and faced with the option to do so and potentially move one round closer to his goal of winning a state title, he instead decided to forfeit.


Angel Rios

For one of the two would-be female opponents Johnston refused to face in the Colorado state wrestling championships last weekend, it was a frustrating outcome. She said she understood and respected his decision but questioned why any wrestler, of any gender, would decide to forfeit in the state tournament after making it so far. Johnston cited personal and religious beliefs for not wanting to wrestle a girl.

Jaslynn Gallegos


That should be the end of it. Right?

Why is there a controversy surrounding this? His body, his choice, no?

ht/ super nightshade

22 Comments on High School Athlete Makes Personal Choice Not To Wrestle a Female and It Becomes Big News

  1. A decision made based on a moral foundation isn’t accepted as is a decision based on political expediency.

    He must be damned for making a moral choice rather than plauded for his sacrifice for that moral choice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …when I saw this article, my heart went out to this young man. I had a student athlete of my own (he lettered in baseball), and I know how hard these kids work to make this happen. They only have a few years to shine, and it’s not just bragging rights, since scholarships and college sports may be on the line.

    Now, here he is, climbing the rungs to State, doing good…then the school pulls THIS crap. Well, you can go ahead and beat a girl, I guess, in a totally unequal match because GOD made it unequal, OR lose to the girl because you’re not an animal and you’re holding back, intentionally or unintentionally, OR do what this man did.

    All choices are bad. All choices screw his careeer.

    Faced with that, the moral choice was the only possible one.

    God bless him for taking it.

  3. Angel Rios…Jaslynn Gallegos….aw the beauty of Mexican heritage….The best fist fight I ever saw was in 8th grade at Byers jr. high…..Irene Herrara (5’9″ 200 lbs) vs Wilda wells (5’6″ maybe 120lbs)….blood, hair, spit flying all around….200 pound gym teachers couldn’t break it up….It was a thing of beauty….

  4. Had Kavanaugh wrestled girls (like he was accused of doing to Ford) who is to say they wouldn’t mount a campaign 30 years later that he groped female wrestlers, was known to be a dirt fighter, and parade a few of them around to testify.

  5. @ChiGuy March 3, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    > I’m hoping for a future postscript when he finds no shortage of girls willing to date a guy who they know will respect them

    Stop! STOP! I’m gonna pee!

  6. …every chick fight I saw in my late ’70s high school was pretty amazing, @willysgoatgruff, but it was the Black gals that went at it in my victim-of-bussing high school…I’ll give them props, they held nothing back, it was like watching two cats rolling across the hallway and you BETTER step back because they didn’t keep it in the ring…..

    That said, other than possibly being able to claw an eye out or cut him with the coarse leg hair they had visible under their hose (interesting fashion choice, that), had one of them fought a GUY, even a skinny, freshman, Sonny Bono-era guy, they STILL would have lost because intensity upper body strength, unless he was off-put by the bleeding, and since they really hadn’t fully developed the whole “He a rayyciss” and “He a rapist” thing at that point in history…

  7. …but the REAL takeaway here is that the ONLY time liberals will not only ALLOW, but REQUIRE, a hetero male to touch a female is when he doesn’t WANT to…

  8. Its time to shoot political correctness in the head. Hats off to Brendan Johnston for standing his ground on his beliefs and principals. If you have a problem with that, you and you imposing “your” beliefs on others is the bigger part of the actual problem.

  9. First considered the source, caused me to remember when I lined Polly (my parrots) cage for the first time with WAPO.
    ‘Squawk, WTF is this? I don’t read this bullshit. I won’t even crap on it.’
    Over the course of that early Sunday morning Polly started to spew projectile diarrhea all over.
    That’s a scary thing for a beloved pet to do!
    I was worried, thinking we better go to the Vet.
    A few minuets later my fiance woke up, went into the living room where I left some of the paper on the coffee table , and started yelling,,,
    ‘WTF is this? I don’t read this bullshit. I won’t even crap on it.’
    She too started to spew projectile diarrhea all over.
    I took them both to the vet.
    She kept Polly.
    Wherever they are, bless them both!

  10. Both my boys started wrestling in Jr High and occasionally they had to wrestle a girl. My advice was always, end it soon. Bring the shit and pin her ass, get off the mat.
    However, this is a state championship. How the hell did these girls qualify? If it were 1 girl I’d be thinking she must be bad ass. But two, no way.
    My advice to this young man would have been, end it fast, get off the mat.


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