Hillary facing possible criminal investigation over ‘hundreds’ of emails containing classified material – IOTW Report

Hillary facing possible criminal investigation over ‘hundreds’ of emails containing classified material

hillary clinton what difference

CFP– Uh-oh. Watch out, Clinton faithful.  There’s fresh trouble in Hillary-land.  According to the New York Times and NBC News, Mrs. Clinton is sailing into choppy legal seas. Two inspector generals, from two different federal agencies, are demanding that the DOJ undertake a criminal investigation into what they say are “potentially hundreds” of classified emails Clinton sent from her private email server.


SNIP:  Great! Wake me when she’s actually in court facing those charges.

8 Comments on Hillary facing possible criminal investigation over ‘hundreds’ of emails containing classified material

  1. Too good to be true, I’m afraid. Why does nothing ever happen to the DC crooks? Oh yeah, Scooter Libby went to jail for nothing. Corzine got a pass. And Barry reigns and rules with nothing to stop him. Mooch and her entourage continue to burn through taxpayer dollars on her queenly junkets. Bars should be placed around DC for what these scoundrels have done to us, and I certainly include Boehner and McConnell. This is what makes Trump interesting….he’s not one of them.

  2. Old Hillary was the original model for the ‘What me Worry’ slogen from Mad Magazine. She has escaped possible criminal examination more times in her lengthy life than a cat has lives!

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