Hillary Falsely Claims Chelsea Has PhD in Public Health – IOTW Report

Hillary Falsely Claims Chelsea Has PhD in Public Health

WHD: One of our astute readers points out to me that Hillary Clinton didn’t get it quite right the other day when discussing Chelsea Clinton’s education.

Talking about the Zika virus the other day, Hillary said she had been alerted to the problem nine months ago because her over-educated daughter Chelsea already knew about it way back then, since she has a PhD in public health.

Alas, Chelsea does not have a PhD in public health. Her PhD is in international relations. She has a Masters degree public health, as well as one in international relations.



14 Comments on Hillary Falsely Claims Chelsea Has PhD in Public Health

  1. If there is an outbreak of prison violence, Chelsea will now have a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice. If there is an outbreak of syphilis, Chelsea will have a Ph.D. in Prostitution. If there is an invasion by the Klingons, Chelsea will have a Ph.D. in Intergalactic Affairs.

    At this point what difference does it make what degree she has?

  2. Three useless degrees does not mean Chelsea Clinton is “educated”…the only education she ever needed was how to lie and steal, which was taught to her by her parents.

  3. Our next surgeon general, if Clinton elected. Bill will be sec of state.

    It is very interesting how the Hillary cult gather around to defend her. It definitely is cult-like adoration. No matter the crime, abuse, lies, criminal behavior; poor Hillary is protecting them. No matter how rich she gets, how many babies she advocates be aborted, no matter how many ‘cult defectors’ die after leaving; it is the right wing ganging up and colluding against her.

    Freaking amazing; like the current presidential position holder. How do you break through THAT glass wall?

    They don’t even try to hide their shameful behavior. The Clinton filthy laundry has been hanging in the public view for so long that it is in shreds. And yet, they keep hanging out more filth and getting cultish followers to aid them.

    God help America, where the non-voters have allowed this government so much power.

    Socialist countries are telling their people to house refugees, hire refugees, feed refugees, at their own expense and at the risk of their own security and health. (You first,Merkel). Obama is just a ‘phone call and pen’ away from that, here. Oh, it will be quietly done, first to anyone in the military, (already he is placing ILLEGALS in active military bases), then anyone collecting any government help, including mortgages.

    Gads, I hate the damn liberals, but I hate the cult followers more. I see those same vacant, adoring expressions, that filled the news, that were on the Manson followers. Actually, they are STILL there. Damn scarey.

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