Hillary – “had no memory of signing a form when she became secretary of state acknowledging that ‘classified’ material didn’t have to be labeled” – IOTW Report

Hillary – “had no memory of signing a form when she became secretary of state acknowledging that ‘classified’ material didn’t have to be labeled”

Hillary- “I ‘absolutely’ won’t be indicted over email and foundation funding scandals.”
A damning report from the State Department’s inspector general complicated matters last week, criticizing Clinton for ignoring established data security guidelines for her email setup.

Clinton and her top aides all avoided talking to investigators in that case.

‘What they wanted to ask, we’d already talked about … in the public arena,’ she said Tuesday, while not explaining how she knew what their questions would have been.

Clinton also repeated her claim that the classified documents on her private server – some categorized as ‘Top Secret’ and above – were never ‘marked classified’ when she encountered them.

And she said she had no memory of signing a statement in 2009, when she took office, acknowledging that ‘classified’ designations applied to government secrets whether or not they were labeled that way.

‘No, I do not [remember],’ she said. ‘But the point is that nothing I sent or received was marked classified and nothing has been demonstrated to contradict that so it is the fact.’

‘It was the fact when I first said it, it is the fact that I’m saying now.’

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that at least 47 of the emails Clinton turned over to the State Department contain a notation that indicates it referred to CIA personnel or matters related to the spy agency.

Although the sensitive material was blacked out before the emails were released, any hackers who may have penetrated Clinton’s server would have the originals – and can now determine exactly which names refer to CIA human sources just by matching up the documents.

Read more:

19 Comments on Hillary – “had no memory of signing a form when she became secretary of state acknowledging that ‘classified’ material didn’t have to be labeled”

  1. Riiiiight. And the same behavior and excuses from you and me would get us thrown UNDER the jail, with sunshine piped in on alternate Tuesdays. But SHE and her ilk are SOOOOOO “SPECIAL”, the “Rules For Little People” don’t apply to them.


  2. I don’t remember ever signing a form that said that those signs by the side of the road that say SPEED LIMIT were actually the upper limit. I always thought they showed the lower limit. Am I free to go now, officer?

  3. “nothing has been demonstrated to contradict that so it is the fact”

    except the e-mail where you told your subordinate to remove the security headings and forward over your non secure e-mail service.

    now that’s a fact jack!

  4. Does anyone doubt this bitch stole the California primary?? Why the country embraces this pirahna is beyond any logic on Earth. She is too large to fail? Hide and Watch!!

  5. I think DJT hit the nail on the head Tuesday night when he said she didn’t want any evidence of her dirty business deals while Secretary of State a matter of public record. And the bitch s getting away with it.

  6. So she ‘absolutely’ won’t be indicted over email and foundation funding scandals?

    Last I checked, potential indictees didn’t have any say in the matter. She could be in for a shock or two, if the IG (or whoever) has the stones to pursue this.


  7. Duh. 30 years in government and she didn’t realize that by definition everything 2nd highest gov’t rep CREATES classified information?

    Who’s supposed to read her emails and stamp them classified? Obama? Some low level clerk? Putin?

  8. If this B*tch can’t fathom what might be ‘classified’ (or sensitive) she isn’t qualified to be a cashier collecting credit card data let alone POTUS.
    I hate her, she is a liar and she probably compromised others because of her hubris.
    She deserves to be sent to an ISIS camp.

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