Hillary in Time Lapse – IOTW Report

Hillary in Time Lapse

Like Dorian Grey put on film, you can watch Hillary’s transition in about a minute from a young woman of promise to an evil hag who forever craves for ultimate power. I use the Dorian Grey analogy because in the famous Oscar Wilde story, the portrait of the man became more degenerate as the man gives himself over to a hedonistic lifestyle.


I like to think the toll of Hillary’s unbridled ambition has had the same effect across her face as she tries to hide the damage her unlimited aspirations have done to her soul.

25 Comments on Hillary in Time Lapse

  1. Nothing wrong with ambition and aspirations, however, there is something wrong with rejecting God and all morality and decency, while embracing EVIL to attain those ambitions and aspirations.

  2. …..and she’s been an evil, conniving bitch during the entire journey.

    Hillary Clinton,
    Dianne Feinstein,
    Barbara Boxer, ….et al.

    *Can’t Understand Normal Thinking*

  3. 2)I like to think the toll of Hillary’s unbridled ambition has had the same effect across her face as she tries to hide the damage her unlimited aspirations have done to her soul.

    That’s not ambition OR unlimited aspirations shining through. That’s her Inner Evil.

  4. Notice how the rate of her decline accelerated during her years at State?

    Even if I supported Hillary, I would have grave misgivings about voting for her in the 2016 presidential election. Being Secretary of State for four years obviously burned her to a crisp. This is a woman who’s a total type A control freak, and she just wouldn’t have the stamina for a presidential term.

    On a related note, I think that fall she took in her house a couple of years ago was way more serious than anyone has ever let on; I believe it is partcand parcel of her physical problem.

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