Hillary “Resistance” Group Rakes In Nearly A Million from Fellow Dems – IOTW Report

Hillary “Resistance” Group Rakes In Nearly A Million from Fellow Dems

For as much damage as Hillary Clinton did to the Democrat brand, you’d think she and the multitude of organizations associated with the presidential also-ran would try to make things right with the party’s organizations. Maybe they’d give them their mailing list or something.  Wrong.

Reports to the Federal Elections Commission show that the Democratic National Committee (DNC which Hillary all but took over for her presidential run) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC, which gains importance during the mid-terms) combined to pay nearly $900,000 for a mailing list from a Hillary Clinton founded resistance group, Onward Together.  More



Image Courtesy of: Dianny, The PatriotRetort.com




7 Comments on Hillary “Resistance” Group Rakes In Nearly A Million from Fellow Dems

  1. Interesting to see how one avenue of kick-backs work with the Dems. That mailing list that they “purchased” is just likely a subset of the mailing list they already have. The only advantage it may give is the names of Democrat donors still rabid enough to give to that trainwreck but they’re hardly likely to recover what they paid for it.

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