Hillary seen struggling to board her campaign plane – IOTW Report

Hillary seen struggling to board her campaign plane

And mumbling to herself…


h/t Sweet Caroline.

21 Comments on Hillary seen struggling to board her campaign plane

  1. Obviously this woman doesn’t listen to her handlers else she wouldn’t have a private email server scandal (among other issues) gnawing at her ass right now. So go ahead crazy bitch; stumble, mumble and lie for another two weeks or so. Then move to Uruguay or Dubai or some other third world shithole that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US.

  2. Do we really want a president that needs a walker? She will be at that point real early in her term.
    I cannot believe her handlers let her walk up the stairs by herself – what doofs. I always made sure I followed my elderly mother rather closely when we were climbing stairs just in case there were an incident. I wanted to be there to catch her. Falling backwards on a staircase can be especially damaging to an elderly person. And yes, Hillary is elderly.

  3. I think I hear her say, ‘I can do that. Why can’t you go any closer?’

    Very interesting. Sounds like someone was worried about that first step, especially.

    Oh my gosh, I just envisioned her climbing the steps to AF One! I think they will have to install one of those lift chairs. Didn’t I see a cartoon about that? If not, BFH, we need a meme!!!

  4. What so astounding is that she is surrounded by so many fawning, ass kissing, court lackeys and that even one person in this country would ever vote for such an evil, decrepit, corrupt, insane hag. What in hell is wrong with these people. Obviously right and wrong is not a part of their make up.

    Bet she dropped a steaming load in her Depends while she was laboriously climbing up those stairs. Wonder who in her entourage is tasked with the unpleasant chore of changing her diaper and hosing her off. Podesta? Mook? Huma?

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