Hillary Terrified Of The Way Someone Sits – IOTW Report

Hillary Terrified Of The Way Someone Sits

Political Clown Parade: If you don’t watch “The Late Show” on CBS you missed a news nugget.
On Tuesday night Hillary appeared with Stephen Colbert and, wonder of wonders, she took her turn in the spotlight to criticize the manner in which Russian President Vladimir Putin sits. He has a habit of “manspreading”.
Misogyny and sexism are just two of a myriad of reasons Granny Clinton blames for her stunning election loss.  Honestly, she’s on a quest to prove discrimination where none exists.  Hillary lost because of who she is─a habitual, incorrigible liar.  read more

18 Comments on Hillary Terrified Of The Way Someone Sits

  1. Amazing how the lexicon keeps evolving, or, man spreading. 2 years ago nobody had yet invented the term for how a man sits. Or alt right. Or Antifa or virtue signaling. There are other verbal constructs that I’m forgetting.

    Personally, I’m tired of it.

    Sorry for bourbonizing at you leftists and pointing out your coprophagic persuasions. At least coprophagic is a real word that properly describes you. Bourbonizing I made up.

  2. When Hillary comes staggering home late, hair and clothes a mess, whiskey and tuna on her breath, undies in a plastic bag fulla paper towels, lipstick on her collar, and shoots for the bathroom, Bill does that to let her know he knows what she’s been up to.

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