Hillary’s Intense Focus As Secretary of State – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Intense Focus As Secretary of State

A number of witnesses who either interned or worked in the State Department during Hillary’s tenure claim that she was busy organizing and prepping for her presidential run instead of foreign policy.

Hillary Arcade


An awful lot of her attention was focused on the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.

“In her mind there was no conflict of interest.”


She also swore at Bill, a lot.

11 Comments on Hillary’s Intense Focus As Secretary of State

  1. My 20+-year visceral contempt for Hitlery just grew exponentially.

    I am a civil servant, and I work like a mule. At my desk on time, truncated lunch break, no personal phone calls or other personal tasks. I leave my electronic devices at home. I do not have any assistants to bring me snacks and wipe my ass. When I’m caught up on my assigned tasks, I seek out others. I am always conscious of the fact that the taxpayers of New York State pay my salary, and I want to give them good value for their money.

    I can’t wait for this woman to die so I can go piss on her grave.

  2. If half of the work force of any government agency was as conscientious as you are about earning your pay, we could easily get rid of the other half. Even though I don’t live in NY, I salute your dedication and appreciation for who pays your salary. From my own experience, this occurrence of a few good people doing the vast majority of the actual work is endemic of all bureaucracies whether they are in the private or public sector.

    The Clintons have always been grifters of the highest order believing themselves to be entitled to every dime they can steal regardless of the source, so this story about her doesn’t surprise me in the least.

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