Hillary’s Memory Lapses – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Memory Lapses

The latest batch of e-mails dumped by the State Department suggest that perhaps Hillary Clinton may have killed a few too many brain cells. hillarymug

 There are at least two messages that indicate that she forgot doing an interview that had occurred just days earlier. 

Maybe she was distracted by gefilte fish or trying to get her favorite TV show recorded. 


Or perhaps someone wiped her memory.

13 Comments on Hillary’s Memory Lapses

  1. An [email] exchange with former staffer Phillippe Reines on July 24, 2010, had the subject line “I-Pad Questions.” Clinton’s questions include how to charge the Apple tablet and how to update a news reader app. Reines asks Clinton if she has a wireless Internet connection, and she replies: “I don’t know if I have wi-fi. How do I find out?”


  2. Has anyone ever done the story either in book or movie about a political puppet that drinks or snorts himself to death and the billionaires and special interest groups who own him do some sci-fi crap or voodoo or something to keep him alive long enough to take office in order to fulfill his obligations?

    Seriously, that could be funny.

    Oh, wait, I think they did that it’s called John Boehner.

  3. I totally agree with you. Maybe not the diagnosis, but there’s definitely something that ain’t right with her in the cranium. She creeps me out, especially when viewed straight on, facially. She should publicly acknowledge she has deficiencies, rather than just display them. I’m concerned that her deficits could go beyond physical and that they might extend to the mental- she certainly shields herself from the vulnerability of a questioning dialogue.

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