Hillary’s Mr. Fix It Unmasked! Clinton Operative Gives TV Tell-All – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Mr. Fix It Unmasked! Clinton Operative Gives TV Tell-All

NationalEnquirer – 

Hillary Clinton’s shady Mr. Fix It will tell all on TV tonight, just days after his explosive confession in The National ENQUIRER hit the stands.

The man who’s rocked Washington, D.C., will join Sean Hannity on tonight’s episode of “Hannity” — airing on the FOX News Channel at 10 p.m. EST — to reveal his true identity at last.

Viewers will finally see the face of the Clinton insider who’s finally speaking out to tell voters the truth about the former First Lady and current presidential candidate.


SNIP: Who do you think it is,  and what will he say?

26 Comments on Hillary’s Mr. Fix It Unmasked! Clinton Operative Gives TV Tell-All

  1. Hannity is answering his own questions, again. This reminds me of the Geraldo Rivera, Al Capone stuff from years ago Jeff Rovin
    is full of shit and so is Hannity. I’m going to bed.

  2. Sean “da Mouff” Hannity….that shitpickle loves the sound of his own voice better than anyone’s. he constantly interrupts guests, no matter whom. He is on Trump’s side, but he is a pantsload full.

  3. southwestener, carrful, he trains MMA and can kick everyones ass. And he’s an expert marksman. And he has a little dick. Well I don’t like his shit but I guess he’s in our team. Barf.

  4. Inspector Sean Clouseau on the mention of Vince Foster:
    Mehrder?? What Mehrder??? Ahh now we are getting somewhere!
    Sean Just shut to fuck up and listen sometime! And follow up, just don’t read your next question.

  5. But then O’Reilly ain’t much different, and Megan Kelly sucks.
    I give up. I’m voting for Trump. I can’t for the life of me understand how there can be “undecideds” out there. Where the fuck are they from? Mars?

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