Hillary’s Spanish-Language Message to Illegals: ‘I’m With You’ – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Spanish-Language Message to Illegals: ‘I’m With You’

Legal Insurrection: On a morning when the political news has been drowned out—so to speak—by the hurricane coverage, I decided to pop over to Hillary’s official website, where I checked out her “Immigration Reform” webpage. And to look at it, a person could be excused for thinking that Hillary was running for president of Mexico, not the US.

The banner is of Hillary hugging what appears to be a young Latino girl, in front of a wall festooned with posters reading “Estoy contigo.” Translation: “I’m with you.” So when it comes to immigration, Hillary’s not with Americans worried about losing jobs and the culture at large to immigrants. She’s with the illegal immigrants themselves.  MORE

3 Comments on Hillary’s Spanish-Language Message to Illegals: ‘I’m With You’

  1. Crazy world we are living in when a candidate for the highest office in the land is standing with illegal aliens against the interests of American citizens. But the guy who wants to put Americans first is somehow the “bad guy”, according the media.

  2. I cordially invite Her Cankleness to sit next to my desk at work so she can see the face of Hispanic illegals in New York City Family Court.

    My jurisdiction is experiencing a steady uptick in the number of illegals filing petitions. Where I work, it’s mostly Mexicans and Dominicans. ALL of them need Spanish interpreters, which slows me down because a) we don’t have enough of them to address the volume and I sometimes have to waste time waiting for one to be available, and b) using any interpreter doubles the amount of time a petition takes.

    Beyond the language, there are cultural barriers. I ask these people the simplest questions–sometimes even yes/no questions–and I get a big, rambling answer that doesn’t even come close to giving me the information I need: where the petitioner lives, the birthday of the child, how the father’s name got on the birth certificate if the parties were not married at the time.

    A LOT of these petitions get thrown out for jurisdictional reasons. People don’t get it that a New York State court, barring some sort of emergency, CANNOT exercise jurisdiction of a child who has lived his whole life in, say, the Dominican Republic–that child would still be subject to the laws of that country, even if both parents live here. Doing an “end run” to get around Dominican law is something to which New York State cannot be a party.

    The sense of overentitlement these people exhibit is stunning. One Mexican illegal mom was in my jurisdiction with her son, who was born here. During the child’s Easter vacation, the mother sent the boy to Mexico to visit her sister. In Mexico, the child became gravely ill and had to be hospitalized. Annoyingly, the hospital wouldn’t discharge the child to the aunt because she didn’t have an order of custody for him. So the mother came to my court to get an order of custody. This stupid bitch actually thought that the court was going to send someone to Mexico to escort the child back to New York. I told her, oh no, Senora, that would be YOUR responsibility. She explained to me that she couldn’t go to Mexico because she was here illegally and might not be able to get back into the country.

    Hillary being with these stupid leeches is just one reason why I’m NOT with her.

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