Historian Turned Lawyer Finds Second Career Suing ‘Ridiculous, Clearly Out of Control Universities’ – IOTW Report

Historian Turned Lawyer Finds Second Career Suing ‘Ridiculous, Clearly Out of Control Universities’

AZ Sun Times

“These universities are so arrogant and so disrespectful of their taxpayers’ wishes and, quite frankly, their money, that it’s infuriating.”

So says Michael Thad Allen, once a tenured history professor who found a second career as a lawyer defending college students and faculty against “hallucinatory” accusations from what he calls “Campus Cloudcuckooland.”

No matter how preposterous the actions of academic institutions become, most people don’t want to go through “the emotional punishment of standing up to these ridiculous, clearly out of control universities,” he said. But there’s been enough plaintiffs to keep him quite busy in recent years. more

2 Comments on Historian Turned Lawyer Finds Second Career Suing ‘Ridiculous, Clearly Out of Control Universities’

  1. Now a recovering college administrator, I was once tasked with investigating a professor charged with “throwing a stank eye’ at a student.

    Truth: The student disrupted class and didn’t like the instructor asking her to be quiet when others were talking.


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