‘Historic mistake’: Law professor takes apart Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump — then predicts the outcome – IOTW Report

‘Historic mistake’: Law professor takes apart Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump — then predicts the outcome

Blaze: Jed Handelsman Shugerman, a law professor at Boston University, thinks Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of Donald Trump is a “historic mistake.”

Shugerman made that conclusion after witnessing opening arguments on Monday in which prosecutors alleged Trump “orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election.”

In short, prosecutors claim Trump falsified business records to interfere in the 2016 election.

The problems with their thesis, Shugerman wrote in the New York Times, are obvious: an “unprecedented use of state law” and a “persistent avoidance of specifying an election crime or a valid theory of fraud.” more

12 Comments on ‘Historic mistake’: Law professor takes apart Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump — then predicts the outcome

  1. This whole persecution of Trump is because Satan and his minions (Hillary, Barry Soetoro, and the Demoncrat party) want to turn the US into a money machine for the lazy, un-Christian trash living for free on the backs of the hard working citizens. The US has stupefied the citizen with fluorinated water to the point they are willingly lining up to take a vaccine that will eventually kill them. The evil in control of our country thinks nothing of the laws, they just make up phoney charges against the last faction of hope for this country. If we do not overcome the shit Biden and the top two minions are doing we had better hunker down and be prepared to get arrested. If Trump will somehow get re-elected and sworn in, he had better get rid of this notion of negotiating “Art of the Deal” and just hang these Mother Fvckers for Treason. Since the US is no longer a Christian nation, we had better pray to the Lord to keep us protected from the assholes wanting to impound our property, take our belongings, and send us to the camps. If you are not a Bible believing Christian by now you had better rethink your standing with the Lord.

  2. Well, we hate him, so he’s GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!

    It’s not like YOU’RE going to make anything out of it, IS it?

    Yeah, that’s what we THOUGHT.

    And all of YOU are on the list next.

    We keep track of you insurrectionists!


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