Hitler’s Alligator – IOTW Report

Hitler’s Alligator

‘Hitler’s alligator’ dies in Moscow Zoo

The Times of Israel – An alligator that many people believe once belonged to Adolf Hitler has died in the Moscow Zoo.

Keep reading here.

Let’s have a “Pets of Tyrants” thread, K?

Tell us what kinds of animals should belong to which tyrants, past and present?

I’ll start: Gov. Wretched Witless (D MI) has a pet weasel. An angry weasel.

63 Comments on Hitler’s Alligator

  1. Gavin newsome has a pet leech
    Obama has a pet wookiee.
    Bill gates has a pet toilet bug.
    Ilhan Omar has a pet tapeworm.
    Bill Clinton has a pet hemorrhoid.

  2. Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, lesbian Yoda walks herself around on a leash, sufficiently frightening the children to stay off the play equipment in Chicago parks.

    It’s working.

  3. Governor Ralph ‘Blackface’ Northam has a rhesus monkey on a chain that he calls ‘Ralph Northam’.
    He’s a quiet, but ill tempered simian.

    So is the monkey.

  4. Tito had a pet mosquito, but no one ever knew about it because it was too damn small. It bit all his councillors, though, whenever they disagreed with him.

  5. Rachel Levine tranny health minister?
    Virginia has/had one of those too. I don’t remember it’s name.

    Democrats sure do love their weirdos.

    Let me go look that up and get back to you.

  6. After further review it looks like Northam’s first pick for Health Department washed up.

    But I remember the kerfluffle when it first went down.
    Hmmmm. ‘When it first went down’ is probably bad phraseology. /snort haha.

  7. @PHenry:

    Governor Ralph ‘Blackface’ Northam has a rhesus monkey on a chain that he calls ‘Ralph Northam’.
    He’s a quiet, but ill tempered simian.

    So is the monkey.

    Heh! Is it true that Northam dresses his monkey up like a lawn jockey?

  8. I wanted to make the mustache more prominent, but thought it wouldn’t look realistic. HAHAHAHAHA, a mustache on an alligator … and I’m concerned about realism! Do’h!

  9. Personally, I have a turtle.

    An attack turtle.

    An attack turtle with a Colt 45 hot glued to his shell.

    An attack turtle with a Colt 45 hot glued to his shell and the pain of lost innocence in his eyes.

    I’m not saying Andy Turtle is insane. I’m just saying that I usually do what he says.


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