Hmmm… Senate Sergeant at Arms of Capitol Has Died – IOTW Report

Hmmm… Senate Sergeant at Arms of Capitol Has Died

ht/ jerry manderin

The Independent-

Michael Stenger, who served as the Sergeant at Arms for the United States Senate during January 6 riot at the US Capitol last year, has died, Fox News’s Chad Pergram reported.

Mr Stenger’s death comes amid the House of Representatives’s attempt to investigate the riot at the US Capitol last year wherein supporters of former president Donald Trump raided the complex in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Mr Stenger assumed the role in 2018 after he served as chief of staff to his predecessor Frank Larkin, Roll Call reported at the time. He previously served in the United States Marine Corps and for 35 years in the US Secret Service.

In the days and weeks following the attack, Mr Stenger received the brunt of the blame. Then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer pledged he would fire Mr Stenger if he was not out of office by the time Democrats assumed the majority on 20 January of last year.

Mitch McConnell, then Senate Majority Leader, “requested and received the resignation” of Mr Stenger the day after the riot.

28 Comments on Hmmm… Senate Sergeant at Arms of Capitol Has Died

  1. I had a bunch more hummingbirds today. They wiped out the 4 cup feeder on the south side of the house in 24 hours. Well, 24 human hours, but that’s not 24 bird hours.

  2. Brad, we had, by the ounces taken, just about 200 hummingbirds in middle May. Then as May went into June we had so few we couldn’t gauge it.

    In past years we had very few in May.

    Greta would say they got sucked out of the ozone hole, and I’m pretty sure they don’t have calendars…

    I think we all have to admit we don’t know the ways and means of hummingbirds.

    Ian did find some milkweed on Dad’s property. That was pretty cool.

    Not that that has anything to do with hummingbirds…

  3. Erik

    “I think we all have to admit we don’t know the ways and means of hummingbirds.”

    My thoughts exactly even though some asshole posts they’re going extinct because of climate change and hot weather. What a fucking moron. Wifey’s got a flower garden like no other on the lower half and they always show up after two days of 100 plus. That’s when we put the feeders out. Every year more show up. That article about Hummingbirds and hot weather was just another Libtard talking out is ass. As usual.

  4. I heard he was found in bed w/ a pillow over his head. a pistol was found w/ his thumb on the trigger & he shot himself twice in the back of the head, just before he hanged himself & disposed of his body in Ft. Marcy Park … & the FBI lost his hard drive after it was found in a trash can at a Delaware grocery store

    … plausible enough … fer sure


    LOL, you missed the multiple self inflicted stab wounds directly to his heart.

    Seriously, you just can’t keep writing this shit off to coincidence. How many people know some one that’s actually been murdered? How about died at 45?

  6. Hummingbirds are omnivorous. They also land and perch like normal birds. They’ll also come right up in your face as if asking for something to eat. If they know you, they’ll let you stand 2′ from them and watch while they drain a flower.

  7. I put 4 hummingbird feeders around my deck. Little bastards fought over the feeders and crashed into our heads when sitting out there.

    Took them down and planted a Mimosa on the other side of the house.

    They’re beautiful ghetto birds.

  8. Good riddance to bad rubbish! “He felt most of the protesters on 1/6 were paid agitators”, of course they were, fully paid & supported by the GOP party for Trump.

  9. “..the riot at the US Capitol last year wherein supporters of former president Donald Trump raided the complex in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.”

    It state, matter of factly.. Really, are you sure that’s what happened?

  10. @AdamK Paid agitators by the GOP for Trump, eh? There were two million Trump supporters in DC that day who could have taken over the whole damn city if they had wanted. It was Antifa and the FBI who changed into Trump supporter gear in the bushes, and were videoed, who were the paid agitators. Why wasn’t Ray Epps, an FBI shill, arrested because he’s on video for two days hollering that they were going to take over the Capitol?

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