Holder Says Biden Administration Positioned Resources to “Absorb” the Violence Created by Corrupt Political Indictment of President Trump – IOTW Report

Holder Says Biden Administration Positioned Resources to “Absorb” the Violence Created by Corrupt Political Indictment of President Trump

– Trade Arrest of Hunter Biden for Arrest of President Trump and Play Blind Justice Game


Appearing on CBS with Margaret Brennan, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama’s fellow traveler and wingman in the fundamental change process, stated his belief the progressive movement and Biden administration has adequately prepared the nation to “absorb” the political violence that may surface as the result of an arrest of former President Donald Trump. More

14 Comments on Holder Says Biden Administration Positioned Resources to “Absorb” the Violence Created by Corrupt Political Indictment of President Trump

  1. From Brad: :Oh I don’t think so dip shit. They’ve overlooked a key element that has some experience at this sort of thing.”

    Thank you my friend for voicing that, they have no idea.

  2. Our list of allies grows thin as Elrond would say…. It is getting more and more difficult to fight these people who have the weaponized Alphabet Agencies and Courts on a leash as well as their co-conspirator flunkies the MSM (including Fox), Social Media Platforms and Hollywood carrying their water. The most ironic thing is that they are using our own money against us, we are literally funding our own destruction. We have essentially no one in the RNC and they are turning out to be an even a bigger lying, backstabbing enemy to conservatives than the Commies. If you read the entire article it is rather bleak and in the comments section at I CTH I stated that Sundance’s articles are reading more and more like a coroner dictating an autopsy report detailing how the patient (America) died than anything else. Apparently for us there are no solutions, no organizing, no funding, no allies, patriots too damaged by “battered conservative syndrome” or too fat, lazy & stupid to fight. Let’s get real, they have us beat. We were too busy working two jobs, trying to raise our kids and take care of our families all these years while they slowly and very patiently skimmed & laundered our hard earned tax dollars to fund their schemes, underminded the Constitution and erroded away all the safeguards that kept them in check.


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