Hollywood Biopic To Show What “Ted Kennedy Had To Endure” During Chappaquiddick – IOTW Report

Hollywood Biopic To Show What “Ted Kennedy Had To Endure” During Chappaquiddick


The tragic 1969 car accident that left a young woman dead at the hands of late Sen. Ted Kennedy will make it to the big screen for a film that the project’s producer says will show audiences what Kennedy “had to go through.”


According to The Hollywood Reporter, 50 Shades of Grey director Sam Taylor-Johnson has signed on to direct Chappaquiddick, which was recently named to the 2015 Blacklist.

Project producer Mark Ciardi told THR Monday, “I’ve done a lot of true life stories, many sports stories, but this one had a deep impact on this country. Everyone has an idea of what happened on Chappaquiddick and this strings together the events in a compelling and emotional way.

Ciardi adds: “You’ll see what he had to go through.”



36 Comments on Hollywood Biopic To Show What “Ted Kennedy Had To Endure” During Chappaquiddick

  1. It’s a shame Jacques Cousteau isn’t with us anymore. He would have been the perfect director for this film.

    P.S. – They aren’t kidding when they said Ted Kennedy had to go through a lot. Do you have any idea how hard it is to dress a dead girl underwater?

  2. How about a film about an alternate universe where that POS ‘goes through’ a swift and speedy trial by a jury of his peers where he is found guilty of all the crimes attributable to him, the bereaved family now owns the Kennedy compound, and that fat bastard expires in prison?
    I would buy armloads of expensive theater snacks for that one.

  3. Rewriting history for the children. Just like “Truth,” what Dan Rather and Mary Mapes had to go through after lied and tried to destroy George Bush, only to be scuttled by the internet.

    I’m sure “The Lion of the Senate” will be made look like a hero, even though in reality he was a cowardly, lying son of a bitch..

  4. Had to look up Hollywood Blacklist. It’s a list of screenplays that are so wonderful they are nominated to be made into movies.

    Totally opposite of the original Hollywood blacklist. Today any Communist actor, director, and so on are welcome with open arms, and being a prog, socialist, and so on is a plus.

  5. I don’t know how many here were alive when this happened but I remember the TV images of the scumbag with his neck brace finally showing his face after all the parties had been paid off to give him a pass because of his last name.

  6. They should remake Crisco and the Sundance Amigo, aka Teddy Kennedy and Frank Dodd, only showing their true degenerate personas….humping poor female waitresses, banging underage minors and prossies with Willie Clinton, that would be a blockbuster movie….!!

  7. I recommend, for anyone interested in this terrible tragedy,
    “Senatorial Privilege” The Chappaquiddick cover-
    up, By Leo Damore.
    Chappaquiddick has been called “the most brilliant cover-up ever achieved in a nation where investigative procedures are well developed and where the principles of equal justice prevail, at least during some of those moments where people are watching.”
    From Damore’s introduction.

  8. This is from one of the Breitbart articles:

    “Melissa Lafsky called Kopechne the “catalyst” for Kennedy’s political career, since he never served jail time. That “injustice,” Lafsy later wrote, made it possible for Kennedy to keep his Senate seat and run for president.

    “It doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded,” Lafsky wrote in a now-deleted editorial for the Huffington Post. “Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.” ”

    See libs are always willing to use other people’s money and lives for their causes, just ask Hillary….

  9. The next day, I was in the kitchen with my mother cleaning up after lunch when we heard the news. I was twelve.

    “That was no accident,” I said. ” He drove off that bridge on purpose.”

    Even my Young Republican, Kennedy – hating mother was somewhat taken aback by the boldness of my statement. “What makes you say that, dear?” she queried.

    “Good timing,” I said. “The moon walk is scheduled for tomorrow night, and he knows the reporters have better things to do with their time.”

    To this day I do not believe the “wrong turn” excuse. Mary Jo had some kind of dirt on the Kennedys, and she had to be silenced.

  10. They have since taken down the bridge but i lived on the Vineyard and quite a few old timers will tell you the party was an acid party and Ted needed to come down before facing the police. There is no way to make a wrong turn onto the bridge. The only thing on the other side was sand.

  11. Teddy got out to piss and the drunk gal drove off and left him only to run the car off the bridge herself, Teddy dove in to rescue her but failed because she had locked all the doors, what a dumb bitch.

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