Hollywood Model/Singer/Actress Says “We’re Not Brainwashed Anymore” – IOTW Report

Hollywood Model/Singer/Actress Says “We’re Not Brainwashed Anymore”

ht/ woody

13 Comments on Hollywood Model/Singer/Actress Says “We’re Not Brainwashed Anymore”

  1. Wait till celebrities find out their digits, aka dollars, don’t represent wealth, but are units of debt – that they don’t even own – and must be paid back with interest. Whoever is selected as president must be a puppet for real rulers of the world, bankers, and keep the always increasing debt charade alive and well. Don’t expect reality to him them anytime soon, they’ll be the last to know.

  2. I like reporters like this one, who ask challenging questions but allow for a full response. This is how the public gets educated – the public who are not on conservative sites and who do not have regular access to the truth.

  3. His star on the Hollywood walk of shame now has it’s own drain hole. People were pissing on it so much they put in a drain. My question is what do they do do about the poo poo that people leave? Should of just installed a toilet on his star.

  4. ” People were pissing on it so much they put in a drain. My question is what do they do do about the poo poo that people leave? S”

    This idiot obviously lives in San Fransisco and shits on the street. Found of the smell I guess.
    The ironic thing about that post is a second Trump presidency would prevent him from opening his/her window first thing in the morning, taking a big old whiff, smiling uncontrollably and exclaiming, Ahh, shit.

  5. With a turlet on his star would always be better than just a drain hole. Den people could take turns doing a public dump with a simple flush, dare goes All of America’s hopes & dreams, right down the crapper.

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