Hollywood Takes an Ugly Turn on RFk Jr. – IOTW Report

Hollywood Takes an Ugly Turn on RFk Jr.


Like a pack of attack dogs, Hollywood celebrities turned their attention to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Friday after he endorsed former President Donald Trump and blasted the Democratic party for having rigged its own primaries and undemocratically installed Kamala Harris as its nominee.

Stars including George Takei, Jeffrey Wright, Chris Meloni, Sandra Bernhard, and The West Wing‘s Bradley Whitford unleashed a torrent of vicious verbal attacks on Kennedy for having dared to cross the aisle to form an alliance with Trump. More

The left is also attacking Cheryl Hines, RFK Jr.’s wife. Here

22 Comments on Hollywood Takes an Ugly Turn on RFk Jr.

  1. I don’t recognize any of these losers names with the exception of George the Asian fag. I imagine they’re all living in cheap apartments in North Hollywood. None of this petty bull shit is going to diminish the applause he received from MAGA when he stepped out on that stage. He’s home and he knows it.

  2. But, oh the joy Kommiela brings.
    The unity, the tolerance, the bulloney.
    The entire left is phony and hateful of anyone who doesn’t obey The Borg Collective.
    F ’em.

  3. These people have been lame for a long time, some a very long time. Their lameness in some cases started as a reed of strength but rotted through time and dishonesty into what you see here. Hollow people. Utterly hollow, insignificant personalities with no center of any kind. They are really to be pitied, but with the arrogance and contempt they emanate it is just a little much to muster.

  4. The sewer of satanism globalists is deep and wide.
    They have been quietly in power for 100 years.
    Many have tried to expose them, then came a guy that shined a big light on them.
    Just wait until they all try to lie/deny their way out.
    Pepperidge Farm remembers and so do I.

  5. An apostate is always reviled by the mindless cult and RFK Jr. was widely perceived as one of “them” – “they” do not allow independent thought – only the mantras and slogans of the hive.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. To paraphrase George Carlin, “It’s a big cult, and you ain’t in it.”

    Hoolywood is so twisted that at this point, Scientology looks like a quaint offshoot of the main branch of Baal West. Like the Shriners of the Freemasons. Bunch of lost souls.

    You’re better off, RFKJ and Cheryl. Think of it as a fresh start on your new lives.

  7. If the worthless, useless, spoiled brat, commie lovin’ Hollywood types are whining, America is winning. Glad so many of them are losing their jobs. Kudos to all those God loving American patriots whop unplugged their TVs, refuse to watch movies.

  8. I just wonder if he has the will to stand up to what the democrats are going to throw at him? This is just the beginning. I think its sickening the way some of his siblings wrote an open letter trying to embarrass him. Since he has eleven brothers and sisters I wonder what they all think.


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