Hometown Woke – IOTW Report

Hometown Woke


The Eau Claire school district in Wisconsin, under the woke leadership of Superintendent Michael Johnson, has reportedly instructed teachers not to reveal the gender identities of students, asserting that “parents are not entitled to know,” and that it is “knowledge that must be earned.”

The directive was given during recent staff development sessions for teachers in the Eau Claire Area School District in central Wisconsin. Those training sessions included topics such as safe spaces, gender identity, microaggressions, and oppression. One instructor allegedly asserted that parents who disagree with their children about gender identity issues are guilty of a form of “abuse.” They also urged teachers to become activists, telling them “to vote, to demonstrate, to protest.” More

Just for the record, Eau Claire 177 miles from Madison and smack dab in the middle of conservative red counties. – Dr. Tar

13 Comments on Hometown Woke

  1. Ummm pretty sure anyone with eyes and a scintilla of awareness can tell the difference. I don’t care if he’s wearing a frilly dress, gawdawful lipstick and pancake foundation.
    You can’t have an Adam’s apple, size 10 clodhoppers and a five o’clock shadow and believe you’ve fooled anyone into believing you’re an XX.

  2. U.W. Eau Claire University, like most other state universities in Wisconsin, have turned leftist. Most of these public education teachers graduated from local universities. Marxism teaches about getting control of children’s minds to advance their agenda in the future. Unfortunately, Marxism is also a big part of the college experience today. Eau Claire is a leftist college town.

  3. Dear Dogbert,

    I sympathize. The problem is all the news is BAD. My theory is that this piece isn’t bad enough to be rejected as TOO BAD by the iOTWReport staff. I also recommend studying up on the works of Kamala Harris, the great Marxist philosopher of the Biden administration and very possibly the next President Of The United States. She recently spoke about “The importance of the passage of time.” That understanding combined with adequate patience will see us all through this difficult passage of time we all find ourselves in.

    I hope you find this suggestion… timely.

    General Malaise

  4. Time to start dragging some of these Libtard DildoCrats out of their homes, day or night, and hang them from the neatest high tree branch or lamppost.


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