Horowitz: 10 ways Trump can push law and order – and make it stick – IOTW Report

Horowitz: 10 ways Trump can push law and order – and make it stick

Conservative Review:

Tweeting out “Law and Order!” every few days with an exclamation mark is OK, but it’s little solace to this country when we are actually suffering from the most widespread and protracted period of anarchy and violence in the modern era. It’s time for Trump to act on law and order, push a winning legislative and budgetary agenda with safety and security as its cornerstone, and communicate those ideas every day to the silent majority looking to the president to fight back.

There is no need for federal action on the George Floyd case. It is getting swift justice. There is however, a need for federal action against the nationwide insurrection in nearly every state, blocking of roads and highways, dismantling and violent occupation of public and even private property, and rising crime from five years of weak-on-crime policies and neutralized police. Rather than promoting federal legislation to further incentivize weak policing and validate the false narrative of the mob, it’s time for Trump to champion a bold contrast addressing the needs of the silent majority of all races and creeds who want law and order, safety and security.

Every day Republicans spend validating the lies of BLM is another day when anarchy and Marxism will consume this country. Aside from the insurrection itself, the war on the police has caused massive increases in crime in major cities. There were 1,600 reports of gunfire in Minneapolis over the past 30 days, up 300 percent relative to the same period in 2019. Every weekend, Chicago, which has tough gun laws, becomes a lawless shootout, with black victims, including children, as casualties. Even New York, which became the safest major city over the past two decades, is now seeing rapid increases in shootings after the NYPD has been neutralized.

This is the true systemic crisis that requires a federal response. To that end, Trump should push the following provisions in stand-alone legislation and in the fiscal year 2021 budget at the end of September:

  1. Funding for states that prosecute violent criminals: Rather than threatening states with a carrot and stick through federal grants to make police more like social workers, how about dangling funding to states that work on prosecuting violent criminals? There is an epidemic of repeat violent offenders who continuously violate probation and are out to murder and harm people. Congress needs to condition grant funds to states meeting benchmarks in prosecuting repeat offenders and probation violators. While there has been swift justice for George Floyd, there is no justice for people like 3-year-old Mekhi James, who was killed in a drive-by shooting in Chicago this past weekend in one of over 100 shootings. Chicago has gone beyond soft on gun felons and probation violators, and now the police are standing back and taking a hands-off approach to violent criminals. Do Republicans want their federal legislation focused on incentivizing more of these shootings or disincentivizing them?
  2. Defund states that are sanctuaries for criminal aliens and anarchists: Defund sanctuary cities and states. These are the same jurisdictions that are allowing rioters and anarchists to take over city streets. Ignoring federal law was the first step toward today’s breakdown of order. It’s time to condition any law enforcement grants, including existing programs, on cooperation with federal law. Also, Congress should focus on the forgotten victims of illegal aliens by allowing citizens to sue sanctuary officials who release criminal aliens. Congress should also create a fund for victimsof illegal aliens out of the money saved from denying grant programs to sanctuaries.

18 Comments on Horowitz: 10 ways Trump can push law and order – and make it stick

  1. This is all well and good, but several of the recommendations are ‘Congress should…’ Congress will do nothing. At the very least until January 3. The question is what can the administration do with existing law – which does relate to some of the recommendations.

  2. Although I think most of these are a complete waste of time (Trump has demonstrated very little success in defunding sanctuary cities or leaning on DA’s to prosecute certain crimes), number 10 seems outrageous.

    The taxpayer should not be on the hook for damages caused by rioters and looters. All businesses carry insurance for catastrophic losses, let the insurance companies take care of the damages.

    There is a pernicious tendency to look to the Federal Government when anything bad happens, it was never designed to be a bottomless cookie jar, raided at will whenever money is needed.

  3. All these require AG Barr to get off his ass.
    These people are distractions, anyway – probably designed to clog the system to protect obama, biden, kerry, pelosi and the rest of the gang hijacking our nation and looting it.

  4. I’ll take a look Brad!


    Still ‘must demonstrate that good cause exists.’ I am betting that ‘just because I want to protect myself’ isn’t sufficient – but worth checking.

    Villanueva isn’t great, but he is far better than the guy he beat. And the L.A. County Board of Supes is treating him like dirt. Politics, always.

  5. A picture is worth a thousand words. Run ads showing the CHAZ takeover and the violence and looting in democrat cities. And message it with “This is what the democrats have planned for the United States”.

  6. LCD
    Uh Oh. i couldn’t remember if it were 400 or 4000. He might be issuing only 4 permits at 400. LOL. The Sheriff might be seeing all the defunding coming down the pike and be thinking, Shit, I need some civilian shooters out there. I’d give it a try.
    Mean while, I just now received one of these in the mail for my G19. Not a bad little holster. Very flexible as far as where you can wear it. Easy to swap from hip to appendix. Sure as hell can’t beat the price.


  7. run an ad showing the political class telling us they’ll “fight for us” & “no one is above the law” while they let Rome burn in the background with some even assisting this farce

  8. ain’t happening ….

    1. “Congress needs to condition grant funds … ”
    2. “Congress should focus on the forgotten victims of illegal aliens by … “
    & … “Congress should also create a fund for victims of illegal aliens … “
    3. “Congress should grant more funding … “
    4. “The courts gutted the mandatory minimums … “
    5. “Republicans included in their bill … a provision that would set the mandatory maximum … for lynching at 10 years. “
    6. “ take all of the most dangerous career criminals off the streets when states let them off with a slap on the wrist.”
    7. “ … the GOP-controlled Senate has not tried to fix this … “
    8. “But he is not the mayor of D.C. … “
    9. “ … ratchet up those prosecutions … “
    10. “The media is not reporting … “ & “Republicans should focus on law-abiding citizens … “

    so, nothing will be done … because the courts, the states & fed legislatures stand to gain power from doing nothing & allowing the chaos, no matter the cost in human life & production for their future generations

    …. & in conclusion …. “Trump promised to be the voice of the forgotten American and the silent majority. It’s time for him to educate a confused generation of youths that crime indeed does not pay and that violence is not the answer. “

    see? it’s all Trump’s fault anyhow

  9. @xxx June 25, 2020 at 3:53 pm

    > We desperately need a General Pinochet.

    Who is “we”? Loyal citizen?

    The United States already has The Great and Glorious, The Donald.

    Americans need a General Washington. But Americans have only earned… well… what The Great and Glorious, The Donald, along with The Best and Brightest, The Parliament Congress, has “given” them.

  10. @Rich Taylor June 25, 2020 at 3:57 pm

    > The taxpayer should not be on the hook for damages caused by rioters and looters. All businesses carry insurance for catastrophic losses, let the insurance companies take care of the damages.

    #BLM (Bank Loot Matters)

    > There is a pernicious tendency to look to the Federal Government when anything bad happens, it was never designed to be a bottomless cookie jar, raided at will whenever money is needed.

    What do you think “Full Faith and Credit” means?

  11. There is only one way to push back, and that is: to push back.

    First and foremost: dump the retarded AG Barr. His slow-motion is going to destroy us. This guy is a living illustration of “too little, too late” – if his ‘slow motion’ act is even genuine.

    Put a guy like Flynn in the AG position.

  12. “Congress should also create a fund for victimsof illegal aliens out of the money saved from denying grant programs to sanctuaries.”

    they could also confiscate all the “remissions” leaving the country and give those to the victims. they don’t seem to have any problem with stealing 28% of what I make. and i’m a citizen

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