Hospital sued by family of transgender teen who committed suicide – IOTW Report

Hospital sued by family of transgender teen who committed suicide


The mother of a transgender teenager filed a lawsuit Monday against Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego alleging that hospital staff discriminated against her transgender son.

Katharine Prescott says she took her 14-year-old son, Kyler, to Rady Children’s Hospital in 2015 to treat serious self-inflicted injuries after being harassed by his peers.

Prescott claims the hospital staff, although aware that Kyler was a transgender boy, traumatized the teenager further by repeatedly addressing him as a girl. Kyler was discharged early — 24 hours into his 72-hour stay — by the hospital’s psychiatrist, Prescott says.

Kyler committed suicide about five weeks later.

The complaint, filed in federal court in San Diego, states that RCHSD violated federal and California laws by discriminating against Kyler based on his sex (including his gender identity) and based on his disability, and that the hospital engaged in unfair and deceptive business practices by claiming that it was experienced in treating transgender patients, when in fact it discriminated against Kyler and made his condition worse.

“When my son was in despair. I entrusted Rady Children’s Hospital with his safety and well being,” said Katharine Prescott. “Hospitals are supposed to be safe places that help people when they’re in need. Instead of recovering at the hospital, Kyler got worse, because staff continued to traumatize him by repeatedly treating him as a girl and ignoring his serious health issues. It’s painful to speak out, but I want to make sure no other parent or child ever has to go through this again.”



14 Comments on Hospital sued by family of transgender teen who committed suicide

  1. So nothing else happened before or 5 weeks after this person’s stay that might have caused the individual to kill themselves? It was the hospital using the correct pronouns that drove the individual to suicide.

    I would think it would be pretty easy to demonstrate that this person had more issues than taking offense at the use of pronouns.

  2. Fuck political correctness and fuck liberals everywhere. I have NEVER seen a greater multitude of pussies until the liberal asswipes of America have decided to descend upon the virtues and values of Christians in the free world.
    There is NOT another country on the planet that would permit the dissent of it’s people such as here in the United States of America and these same fuckers are taking advantage of our democracy.

    ……Time to lock and load.

  3. So, can I sue Mayberry PD for not buying my uncle Otis a few beers while he was in custody the month before he had a few, fell off the roof, and died? Or is that just a California thing?

  4. “Hospitals are supposed to be safe places that help people when they’re in need…”

    Yeah, science-y people are like that. They like to treat you based on what you are physically so they can use the right tools fixing you. Weird, right?

  5. Go look up DARVO

    Reverse Victim and Offender

    This kid was a minor and someone indulged the fantasy that being a boy or a girl is a matter of human will.

    This is a tragedy but fault does not lie with someone using improper pronouns.

    If he thought he was a buffalo and ended up getting stomped to death by a herd of bison, I guess that the fish & wildlife folks would be at fault for not protecting a trans-bison youth.

    Was this kid getting hormone treatments too?
    Like Bruce Trans Jenner?
    But I’m sure that plus wearing a dress had absolutely no effect on this kid

  6. I’m think this poor child killed herself because her mother encouraged her to think she was a boy when she was NOT.

    I blame the mother for not seeking help for this child, instead of catering to her delusions.

    Transgenderism is a mental disorder, probably triggered by abuse.

  7. It’s sad.
    Mentally ill people DO need help – but not necessarily psychiatric.
    And hospitals are where you go to die (yes, I’ve been in hospitals twice, but mostly people go there to die).
    This poor, pathetic woman had a fucked-up child, who, apparently, she encouraged in its fucked-up-ped-ness, and now she has only grief.

    izlamo delenda est …

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