House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers Retreats and Now Backs Jim Jordan – IOTW Report

House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers Retreats and Now Backs Jim Jordan

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) Monday appeared to end speculation on how he would vote in the upcoming election for Speaker of the House.

In a series of posts on the social media platform X, Rogers said he will vote for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

“Jim Jordan and I have had two cordial, thoughtful, and productive conversations over the past two days,” Rogers stated. More

Rogers had been threatening to cut a deal with house democrats on a speakership. Here

Other republicans who have openly talked of form a coalition with democrats that would put Hakeem Jeffries in the speaker’s chair include House Foreign Affairs Chairman, Mike McCaul (R-TX), Steve Womack (R-AR), and David Joyce (R-OH). More

13 Comments on House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers Retreats and Now Backs Jim Jordan

  1. “They put us in this ditch along with eight traitors,”

    I understand that we peons are not privy to all the drama, personalities, and machinations going on behind closed doors but if one of my colleagues ever called me a traitor publicly, that POS would be dead to me. And that goes double for all those cowards that would consider for even a second putting that flaming racist Akhem Jefferies in the Speakers chair.

    You think Pelosi would have these kinds of problems? You think she needed to ask Republicans permission or support to run her party when they were in the majority?

    The Republicans of the country voted for you clowns, to give up, saying consensus is just too hard, that you are not ready for prime time and to willingly hand over power to the enemy, nobody will ever vote for you again.

  2. True Rich. Say what you will about that evil witch pelosi, the cunt had her ducks in a row.
    She kept her crazies in line.

    We never seem to play by the new rules they set, always the principled rules.
    Hell if the dems played football they would get 5-6 downs per possession, whatever it took.
    We, however would give the ball back on 4th down.

    Our side is supposed to be “principled.”
    Fuck that, that ship sailed.
    Burn it DOWN!

  3. These big shot establishment republicans like their chairmanships and are probably getting an earful from their constituents back home. It’s either been a bluff all along or they lack the courage to betray their voters. I expect they’ll all fall in line to keep their positions.

  4. ” What did Jordan have to give up to convince Rogers to do that?”

    I’m guessing the exact same thing McCarthy did. The biggest winner in this big mess has once again been Joe Biden.


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