House Dems Put In A Solid 4 Hours of Work In Their First Week – IOTW Report

House Dems Put In A Solid 4 Hours of Work In Their First Week

The democrat majority in the House showed up long enough to swear themselves in and elect Nancy Pelosi before adjourning for the weekend. I guess the shut down doesn’t concern them enough to stay in session and try to hash out a workable deal with the president.


10 Comments on House Dems Put In A Solid 4 Hours of Work In Their First Week

  1. Next week they should pass a resolution limiting Congress to no more than 1 hour per week – with time out for lunch. I’m all for anything that keeps these yahoos from doing any more damage.

  2. 131 days. That’s how many days per year an average member of the House works for. 4 hours per weekday is the average workload for a rep based on history. Looks like the dems are looking to knock that back to about 45 minutes per week day.

    Tough life.

  3. The only thing that has saved this country from total transformation is the laziness of the Dem party. Had Obama had Trump’s work ethic and effectiveness it would have been lights out.

  4. They have to run 1 mile to Lunch and back in one hour.
    The bare minimum to keep your Job.
    No Limos. No POV.
    Either ride the Bus, or run.
    You Work for U.S.
    Like an Administration Troop.
    Standards, ya know.

  5. What is needed is a new amendment that limits senators to two four year terms and representatives to four two year terms with a 50% cut in pay and benefits and a mandatory 40-hour work week!


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