House J6 Committee a Blatant Political Operation – IOTW Report

House J6 Committee a Blatant Political Operation

The Federalist

Weeks after Republicans reclaimed the House in 2022, then-GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy sent a letter to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the chairman of the Jan. 6 committee, to “preserve all records collected and transcripts of testimony taken during your investigation.” [Barry] Loudermilk’s [R-GA] investigators, however, found that Thompson’s committee deleted troves of information, including “hundreds of video recordings.”

Loudermilk’s subcommittee also “discovered that the Select Committee failed to archive more than a terabyte of digital data.” More

15 Comments on House J6 Committee a Blatant Political Operation

  1. And don’t forget:
    Cassidy Hutchinson, who worked for Meadows, testified publicly that Ornato told her President Trump tried to violently hijack the presidential limousine to drive himself to the Capitol during the riot.

  2. J6 Comm folk were ALL UNIPARTY. UNIPARTY has been “Americans last” for 70 years.
    UNIpARTY has been powerful for 70 years because uniparty PROTECTS ITS OWN! jUST A FEW UNIPARTY folk – clearly felons – still out “Scott Free”: GWB’s Lerner, Clinton, Cheney, Hunter.

    Were Roberts not Chief they’d be in jail! But John is chief!
    UNIPARTY has done a very good job off protecting UNIPARTY for 70 years. Roberts will extend their rule!
    Roberts was made Chief 18 years ago to make sure the 2 sets of laws” system is solidified. the persecution of conservatives the last 8 years clearly shows Roberts has enhanced the 2 sets of law America!

  3. If the J6 evidence is deleted and erased, then there’s no reason to hold the J6 prisoners, is there?

  4. Again us “conspiracy theorists” were right.
    The uniparty has been powerful for a long time and it will take time to end them or at least cripple them.
    It’s all coming out though.
    Even without the state run propaganda media, it’s coming out.
    Now we need a slew of MTG, Hagermann, Gaetz types to step up and get involved.


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