House Passes ‘Kate’s Law,’ Sanctuary City, Immigration Reforms – IOTW Report

House Passes ‘Kate’s Law,’ Sanctuary City, Immigration Reforms

Michigan GOP Rep. Justin Amash for voted against both reform bills.

Breitbart: The House passed two immigration reforms today, marking a first big step towards a pro-American national immigration policy, despite strong Democratic opposition.

President Donald Trump applauded the two votes:

During my campaign, I met many grieving families who all had the same plea: lawmakers must put the safety of American families first.  Today, I applaud the House for passing two crucial measures to save and protect American lives.  These were bills I campaigned on and that are vital to our public safety and national security.  The first bill, Kate’s Law, increases criminal penalties for illegal immigrants who repeatedly re-enter the country illegally.  The bill is named for Kate Steinle, who was killed by an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times.  Every year, countless Americans are victimized, assaulted, and killed by illegal immigrants who have been deported multiple times.  It is time for these tragedies to end.


13 Comments on House Passes ‘Kate’s Law,’ Sanctuary City, Immigration Reforms

  1. Because it is common sensical the Senate will debate these bills long and hard so that more lives will be endangered by people who have no business being in our neighborhoods.

  2. Amash is a left wing mole hiding behind “conservative purity” to vote with the democrats. He was against any reform to Obamacare and he was against both of Trump’s immigration orders.

    By the way, his mother is Syrian.

  3. Amash tweeted this: “I voted no today on two bills that together violate the 1st, 4th, 5th, 10th, and 11th Amendments. I will always defend our Constitution.”

    I tweeted back at him: “The United States Constitution applies only to American citizens not illegal aliens, asshole. You are a disgrace.”

  4. My wife was impressed with Amash last year. She’s disappointed to see that was all kabuki grandstanding.

    Time for a lot of RINOs to be Primaried. Trump needs better clay for better bricks.

  5. This is the definition of Liberalism. Protected classes have more rights than the US CITIZEN!
    How can anyone vote against this bill? I pray for her soul and for her family. So sad so unnecessary.

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