House Report Concluded Pakistanis Made ‘Unauthorized Access’ To Congressional Servers – IOTW Report

House Report Concluded Pakistanis Made ‘Unauthorized Access’ To Congressional Servers

DC:House investigators concluded that Democratic IT aides made unauthorized access to congressional servers in 2016, allegedly accessing the data of members for whom they did not work, logging in as members of Congress themselves, and covering their tracks, according to a presentation summarizing the findings of a four-month internal probe.

Their behavior mirrored a “classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization,” and they continued even after orders to stop, the briefing materials allege. There are indications that numerous members’ data may have been secretly residing not on their designated servers, but instead aggregated onto one server, according to the briefing and other sources. Authorities said that the entire server was then physically stolen.

When acting on the findings, Democratic leadership appear to have misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft, a comparison of the investigators’ findings with Democrats’ recollections and a committee’s public statement shows, leading 44 Democrats to not conduct protective measures typically taken after a breach — including informing constituents whose personal information may have been exposed. (A list of the involved members is below.)  Read more

11 Comments on House Report Concluded Pakistanis Made ‘Unauthorized Access’ To Congressional Servers

  1. A couple of predictions: 1)The Pakistanis will be referred to as “American citizens” (never as Pakistanis). 2) If they are ever charged with a crime, it will be petty theft (or some other minor charge) instead of a capital crime, like espionage. 3) The MSM will continue to ignore the story regardless of the outcome.

  2. I agree that (1) nothing will be mentioned by the MSM and (2) no criminal charges will be brought.

    On the other hand, the way Trump works the long game, lots may be happening “behind the scenes” to expose more Democratic abuses. Let’s hope LOTS of Democrats bite the dust over this.

  3. OT

    I hope every one here with a Twitter account is hammering the hell out of Jeff Flake after his little communist manifesto speech. If this guy truly believes what he said he has mental issues.

  4. ‘Rats can’t face the truth when they adhere to their perverted tolerance. Shut the door Mr. President. Let the Pakis cuddle with the ChiComs.
    The ‘Rat Party has been on the wrong wide for a long time gnawing away.

  5. Nah, this one has “legs.” The Awans are tied into the Pakistani ISI spy ring, transport of Hillary’s (illegal) Uranium One yellow cake one way and drugs and guns the other way. The story might dribble, but it circles back to massive corruption at DOJ and FBI and it will come out. The damn MSM won’t be able to ignore it, soon. Thank Congress who seems to be waking up, suddenly.

    Follow George Webb on Youtube. …..Lady in Red

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