House trashes Mayorkas Impeachment Resolution While Preparing to Punt Border Fight to 2024 – IOTW Report

House trashes Mayorkas Impeachment Resolution While Preparing to Punt Border Fight to 2024


The House voted 209-201 Monday night to sideline a resolution introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his disastrous mishandling of the border, even as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) greases the skids on a funding package that punts a broader border policy battle until the new year.

Greene introduced the privileged resolution Friday, one day after two of her constituents were killed in Texas in a head-on collision with a car driven by a human smuggler evading police.

Privileged resolutions require House floor action within two legislative days after introduction. Rather than voting on the underlying motion, Republican leadership chose to address the resolution through a Democratic motion to refer it to the Homeland Security Committee. Democrats altered their motion before the vote after previously preferring a vote simply to table the resolution. more here

24 Comments on House trashes Mayorkas Impeachment Resolution While Preparing to Punt Border Fight to 2024

  1. Impeachment is too good for him.
    Traitors should get what they deserve.

    In a perfect world Mayorkas’ job would be handing out toilet paper in a truck stop shithouse for tips.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If the American republicans were an offense football team, they would punt at every first down or whenever they would be in possession of the ball.
    As for their Playbook, it would fit on a postage stamp.

  3. The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has shown his allegience to the deep state quickly, siding with McCONnell and Chuck Schumer on the continuing resolution and burying any step to hold Mayorkas responsible for his incompetence.

    The New Speaker is like the last three GOP Speakers.

  4. +10 cato.

    Fund Ukraine, budget resolution with Democrats, “no rush” to impeachment…

    But his super PAC grossed $16 Million in 10 days.

    The guy’s a Uniparty statist and he leads a body with the biggest stench on all the planet.

  5. My guy McClintock voted yea, do did Darryl Issah. To traditionally ultra conservative peeps. MTG wrote this bill. According to McClintock she accused him of treasonous acts. High crimes and misdemeanors. Of which none of the evidence she brought forth had anything to do with what she accused him of. I dunno. My impression is MGT’s hearts in the right place, maybe she should reach out to someone like McClintock when she’s writing these things so she’s at least following the constitution. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard her being accused of writing unconstitutional shit.


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