How About a Gulag for Washington’s Washed-Up Losers – IOTW Report

How About a Gulag for Washington’s Washed-Up Losers


Steve Bannon’s War Room is a treasure trove of top-notch political insights and strategies. Given Bannon’s pivotal role in Trump’s 2016 win, it’s no shock that he’s still at the helm, pushing forward brilliant ideas. The latest gem? Attorney and former clerk for Justice Gorsuch, Mike Davis, stopped by to cover a range of compelling topics. However, it was Mike’s proposition of setting up a special “gulag” for DC’s most notorious has-beens that really stood out to us. Among those earmarked for this dubious honor is none other than Liz Cheney, who was unceremoniously booted from Congress. Liz, much like her father, showed that she’s willing to shoot her own people in the face without blinking an eye.

14 Comments on How About a Gulag for Washington’s Washed-Up Losers

  1. We know every democrat politican is corrupt and treasonous – it’s a condition of their belonging to the party. But, we’re going to find out just how many of the GOP politicans are just as corrupt and treasonous – going very far back. We talk about the ‘uniparty’ but ‘uni’ to what? We’re going to find out that the corruption and treason that is institutional in the democrat party is institutional to the Repubican Party (proper to Lara Trump taking over). That idiot Ronna Romney McDaniel is going to be exposed as a bagman for laundered money, and someone who never had an ounce of useful talent other than being willing to jump into the corruption and stab our country and our party in the back for a few bucks.

  2. A good solution would be the same as the TV series “Designated Survivor”.
    “A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the line of succession.”

  3. Yea, Wall off D.C.and make a show out of it
    like Running Man… Watch violent insane 3rd
    world rat people chase,hunt down,rape and eat
    the D.C. scumbags.

  4. As much as I detest people like Liz Cheney, the Romney’s, and feckless miscreant congresscritters like McCarthy, Buck and Gallagher on the Republican side. And as much as I hate Pelosi, Schiff and others too numerous to mention. And as much as I revile Obama Clinton and Biden. I am not in favor of Soviet gulags like the democrats want for Trump. That’s a dangerous step toward totalitarian government.

    Defeat democrats and RINOs at the ballot box and cause their irrelevance be the cause their banishment from polite society.

    No. Gulags are not the proper course.

  5. Hard to defeat them at the ballot box when they are still using their cheating machines and made laws allowing mail in voting. The voting machine algorithms will never let another conservative win.

  6. Perhaps I didn’t explain properly.
    Gulags are where J6’ers are held without due process as Biden’s political prisoners.

    The flawed legal system is persecuting Trump.

    We need to reform the legal system, then prosecute actual crimes. Firing many in judiciary would be a good start.

    Brad. No. Soros needs to be deported at best. Hung from a lamppost outside the White House would be better.
    I haven’t softened one bit. I just don’t like the gulag talk.

  7. PHenry

    Nancy Pelosi and her band of merry little Nazis need to be prosecuted for what they’ve done to the J6ers. Adam Kinzlinger and Liz Cheney are part of that merry little group. In fact anybody that served on that panel deserves to be prosecuted. If Trump gets re elected expect to see military tribunals. It’s the only way we will see justice.


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