How California politicians get millions of dollars for pet projects – IOTW Report

How California politicians get millions of dollars for pet projects

KFI: The OC Register reports that since 2011, California public officials have diverted more than $74.5 million of other people’s money to their favorite causes and charities. The money is often donated by businesses and other entities, who hope to influence elected leaders.

Maybe they’re just trying to donate to a good cause, a leader they believe in? We don’t think so. People are inherently bad. This is about bribing politicians for power.

California has caps on gifts and campaign contributions, but there’s no limit on “behested payments” to politicians’ pet projects.

So, where does the money go?  The OC Register breaks it down:  MORE


8 Comments on How California politicians get millions of dollars for pet projects

  1. But this isn’t corruption?
    I’m sure it’s all perfectly legal and above-board.
    One of the dirty (well-known) secrets that permeates every level of “gov’t.”

    We are so mal-educated that we no longer perceive the obvious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The same way the federal congressmen get rich. There should be NO, -0-, dollars paid to the scheming, scamming congressional freeloading, fraudsters. They get more than enough from their real constituents; lobbyists.

    Their actual work days are disgraceful compared to the perks, giving themselves pay raises, Cadillac health, freeloading transportation everywhere, junkets overseas, housing, and on and on.

    We, the people actually pay the cretins to shaft America. WE have allowed this!!

    Term limits? Huh, if anyone thinks congress will ever bring that to law, I know of seaside beach front property in CA that you can buy, on the Salton Sea!!

    We, already have the power of term limits—vote! ‘Clearing the swamp’ starts with the American voter. President Trump, as great as he is, CANNOT do it alone, especially against HIS OWN PARTY joining the liberal obstructionists.

    Tolerating the ‘ANTIFAct’ shut down of American freedoms has got to stop, and until the voice of outrage for violence roars louder, it will continue to grow.

    The cancer of communism has a powerful grip on America and uses ‘tolerance’ to worm its way deeper and deeper. Tolerance for violations of American traditions,
    mores-(meaning “manner”, “custom”, “usage”, “habit”), rights, and LAWS, and any appeasement of such, is hastening our demise.

    I love my fellow humans, and will help in any manner I can, but when you refuse to allow me to SAY NO, or EXPECT me to be at your beck and call, or tell me how to worship or you’ll KILL me, or expect ME to ‘honor’ your mental instability, or expect me to feed, house, clothe, or pay you for sitting on you as$, STOP!!!

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