How Did They Pee in Those Dresses? – IOTW Report

How Did They Pee in Those Dresses?

A Superficial History of Underwear

20 Comments on How Did They Pee in Those Dresses?

  1. Jebus… She spends so much time nuancing every statement that she reminds me of my for left, liberal acquaintances: Never get to the point to the point where we’ve all forgotten the point.

    How did they pee? They used a chamber pot or small pan. Done

  2. I’ve had to wait all day to comment on this post!

    I adore Bernadette Banner! If anyone should have a YT channel devoted to historic (mostly Victorian) garment-making, she is the perfect representative.

    I think you have to be a serious sewer (I am) in order to appreciate the running commentary and endless questioning of how the patterns, fabrics and everything else goes together to make her seriously well-researched garments. While I don’t think I’ll ever have the time or desire to make a corset, it’s quite wonderful watching her do so.

    Yay for Bernadette! Another YT-er I got to know because of this stupid Covid.

    P.S. Catch her video on the 2019 Costume College!


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