How Do You Get An Octopus To Come Out Of Its Shell? – IOTW Report

How Do You Get An Octopus To Come Out Of Its Shell?

Neuroscientists at the University of Oregon did an experiment on Octopi where they gave the sea creatures the mood-altering drug MDMA, better known as Ecstasy.

They were surprised to find that the normally reclusive creatures who tend to shun their own kind became down right friendly with their fellow octopuses. More

18 Comments on How Do You Get An Octopus To Come Out Of Its Shell?

  1. This and the other day giving lobsters marijuana to ease their pain. I really don’t care about octopi, just slam those lobsters into boiling hot water and have that melted butter ready!

  2. I’m all in for this! Further testing needs to done. Like add it to pepper spray and test on Antifa fascists. Cheap research, even though it’s been done before by the CIA in the 60’s, WTF, give it a go. Just try it!

  3. Years ago we conducted a similar, but unintended, experiment on my sisters black lab. We were watching TV while having a little vino. Long story short, glass of wine was spilled and the dog lapped it up. He got friendly and very boisterous, we all just assumed he was just telling us some funny dog jokes and he was laughing his ass off at his own stories. We didn’t notice any ill effects immediately, but the next day sister went shopping and since the weather was cool she took the dog. When she got back to the car that dog had loaded the front and back seats with doggie do. Her old Impala was never quite the same after that. So please remember, don’t let your dog drink and ride.

  4. “dude….you know what would be awesome?”
    “If we like…. got octopi totally high. How freaky would that be?”
    “cool beans, man….hey, I think I’m like in pre med and could totally score some octopi.”
    “I’ll call Chelsea and get some ecstasy….”

    Another day in Oregon.

  5. “They were surprised to find that the normally reclusive creatures who tend to shun their own kind became downright friendly with their fellow octopuses.”

    The octopi also wanted to dance.

  6. I think, if they like to get high and can open a pickle jar, they should be registered to vote. At least, in local elections. And don’t start that Nazi “Can’t read” “Can’t speak English” Nazi stuff.


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