How Do You Know When a Federal Employee Is Non-Essential? – IOTW Report

How Do You Know When a Federal Employee Is Non-Essential?


During COVID, government employees across the country were able to begin working from home and now, years later, they don’t want to give that up.

Trump wants to put an end to this. He expects people to actually show up to their offices to do their jobs. Can you imagine that?

Trump is serious about this too, and wants to fire employees who won’t return to working in-person. He absolutely should. if these people don’t need to show up for work, what are taxpayers paying them for? More

19 Comments on How Do You Know When a Federal Employee Is Non-Essential?

  1. Simple solution: Officially designate ALL of them as NON-essential and then make a case-by-case evaluation for exceptions.

    “Please, Ke’nosha, explain why we can’t live without you.”

  2. As someone else noted (probably on X), you have a gov’t shutdown, where all *non-essential* employees are put on hiatus… and then you know who the non-essential employees are, and just lay them off.

  3. “How Do You Know When a Federal Employee Is Non-Essential?”
    They’re employed by the FedGov.

  4. If they don’t have to be in the office, they don’t have to be in Washington D.C. Build a federal office building in a less expensive location – perhaps Davenport, Iowa or Fort Wayne, Indiana, and move these employees there. Require them to report to the office, which they will because there isn’t much else to do.

  5. Some years ago there was a Fed worker who showed up, hanged up a coat, wrote about a half-page of notes, then vamoosed. Came back about 3:30 PM picked up his coat and went home. Left his office door open so it seemed like he had just stepped out. Did it for years.
    Far as I recall he never got caught – told on himself after he retired – but my memory may be faulty.

    Another guy entered the Dept. of Agriculture (he was an employee of the Dept. of Agriculture) for over 3 years with an ID that had a picture of a dog on it and the name Phineas T. Boogerhound.
    I am NOT making this up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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