How Election Integrity Efforts Are Saving the Republic – IOTW Report

How Election Integrity Efforts Are Saving the Republic

The Federalist-

If Republican candidates do as well as expected on Tuesday, they can credit the new, widespread, and coordinated effort to begin securing U.S. elections, helping give candidates the best opportunity possible to win a fair fight in the new voting environment of mail-in balloting. More

17 Comments on How Election Integrity Efforts Are Saving the Republic

  1. So a judge said that one side could not participate in the election process?? Who needs armed thugs when you have partisan judges. As of the Democrats never did what the judge said the Republicans did.

  2. Demonrats were ballot-stuffing in 1880 Arizona.
    In one election for Sheriff, 103 votes were cast for the Demonrat when there were only 10 registered voters in the Precinct!
    (true story – “Tombstone” – Clavin)

    They have a LOT of practice.
    Chances are pretty good that they won’t just suddenly support election integrity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. OMG! Give me a f’n break. If the republicons are winning everything is fine. But when your losing it’s stolen. Just wait see you (republicans) will be destined to lose the Presidential election & then cry for years & years it was stolen oh woe is me.

  4. So.

    The Loyal Opposition(TM)? (All loyal, no opposition.) That is loyal enough to be listed by the current Party membership? On The Party’s ballots? To be “voted” on? By the loyal citizens? (“Citizen” enough, to “vote”.) To be “tabulated”? By The Party’s loyal contractors? To be accepted as The Party’s count? Of the “votes”? To be accepted by The Party? Maybe? To be seated on a Party throne? If they are deemed loyal? Enough? To The Party, they have already sworn to serve? (To be listed on The Party’s ballot.) Loyally?

    Are. Going. To. Change(TM). (“We” Hope[TM].) The Republic(TM) (sic)?

    Now. Inhale. (If you believe any of that, you need to be reminded.)

  5. ^^^^@Brad change your diaper & have your bottle u lilbaby. Fock off asswipe BOY. Not talken to ur as but asses like u never know went to keep their mouth shut suck a pile of shit boy.

  6. You trolls are losers today and will be even bigger losers after Tuesday! It’s fun, fun, fun watching all of you whine! But as much fun as it has been, it’s about to get a lot better!

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