Listing Leftward – IOTW Report

Listing Leftward

In just 20 years, immigration rhetoric by left-wing Bill Clinton has now become xenophobic, racist and right-wing to the extreme.  And those are just some of the critics on the right.

Right-wingers who say that Trump is a racist, or he’s deliberately appealing to racists, like Ben Shapiro said in his moronic #NeverTrump screed

He stands for Planned Parenthood and trade restrictions and targeting of political enemies and an anti-morality foreign policy and government domination of religion and nastiness toward women and tacit appeals to racism

-wouldn’t ever think of calling Bill Clinton a bigot, or consider arguing that by advocating a crackdown against illegals the 42nd president of the United States was making an appeal to racists to garner votes.

But this is where we are in 2016. Trump says we need a wall and illegals must be deported and he’s vilified as a David Duke who’s ginning up the bigots, and some on the right nod in agreement.

Luckily, Trump doesn’t just lay back and take it.

3 Comments on Listing Leftward

  1. Difference is Clinton was lying all along, and no democrat will ever speak ill of fellow practitioners of the art of bullshit.

    Look at all those criminal Cubans Bill imported back in the 80s.

  2. If Clinton was moving his soup coolers, he was lying.

    He never had any intention of securing our border. The difference now is that the REgressives aren’t even bothering to lie now.

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