How Far Gone is Europe? Further Than You Think – IOTW Report

How Far Gone is Europe? Further Than You Think

WiscoDave alerts us to a post at the Captain’s Journal.

It’s an account by a *European woman from a country where “guns are absolutely forbidden.”

She writes about wanting one, desperately, for protection. She said she was once threatened by a maniac at the bar she works who said he was going to “rape and kill” her and her coworker.

When she called the police they saw that she had butcher knives secreted about the workspace and they warned her that she could be arrested.

When she inquired about pepper spray, again, the police said she could be arrested.

It was very frustrating. She had heard about another guy who lived above his bar. He heard a burglar robbing his place, so he went downstairs and beat him with a crow bar. He went to jail for using excessive force and the robber was set free.

Sounds horrible, right? And everyone is right there with this woman, this poor soul, much like one of our patriots trapped in, say, Commifornia.

Pump the brakes. This woman is a moron.

The system is f***** up in my country and I am being denied the right to protect myself. The system is in favor of all the wrong people, giving them advantage by depriving us the right to own firearms.

Now, I’m not a gun fanatic, when I speak about this people compare me to gun fanatics and stereotype me. Now, I lean towards the left (if any), I respect everyone, I pay my taxes and do everything by the book, I work, pay my bills, you have your opinions, I have mine, mine are not better than yours, just mine.

She still leans left, which means she probably still votes left (one tends to identify themselves politically by how they vote.)

She’s in fear for her life and feels vulnerable because her government forbids her to protect herself… yet she “leans towards the left.” What issue is trumping the right to protect her life? What is it that compels  this idiot to still “lean left” when the left doesn’t care if she is defenseless to rape and  murder?

Yes, Europe is gone, mainly because of THIS WOMAN.

This rant of hers, this is a documentation of why there is no hope. She thinks her ideas are no better than anyone else’s. Her idea about the right to defend one’s life is no better than the idea that you are forbidden to own a gun.

It’s over, indeed.

read her story here

*The story was published on Reddit, and I’m not wholly convinced the post was written by a European woman. It could have been, but the very last line sends up a red flag.

Being pro-gun doesn’t make me a kkk hillbilly with no teeth.

Is this something a European woman would write? Maybe. If she’s writing in English and she spends time here it could be authentic. Maybe I’m just being overly cautious, but I do heed the advice of Abraham Lincoln-

Even if the story is fake. It’s fake but real. ( A registered trademark of the left.) I’m sure this echoes the sentiments of millions of Europeans. Millions of really dumb, suicidal Europeans.

20 Comments on How Far Gone is Europe? Further Than You Think

  1. Europe was already ultra liberal even before the invasion of “refugees”. The failure to control immigration of people who will never assimilate has sent the decline of Europe into warp speed. Europe is lost.

  2. It is criminal to state what the problem is. So I’m going with 85% gone.

    In the Kubler Ross stages of grief at the loss of their continent, they remain in the Denial period.

    As long as nothing messes with access to their distractions of drink, drugs, video games, or porn…they do not care.

    Same for the US, but we can still complain anonymously on the internet. Say it openly andGoogle, Fakebook, and Twitter will ban you. DHS will monitor you. LinkedIn will make sure your wrongthink is front and center.

  3. “suicidal Europeans”

    As you eluded to, you can find that very same mentality in California and other Liberal states. It’s easy to plot their current trajectory. And I’m stuck in the middle of Cali and a proud Gun Fanatic. Sooner or later we need to stop trying to understand the Liberal mind and see it for what it is.

  4. “… Europeans were DONE after they went all socialist after WWII.”

    Well, be that as it may. If memory serves, we had to ship UK small arms at the outbreak of WWI – BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T ALLOW THEM – and again, at the outbreak of WWII – BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T ALLOW THEM. The Peons of Frangistan have been disarmed since the days of Charlemagne – probably earlier under the Romans.

    A continent of slaves has no other options than either to continue in their slavery, or to throw off their slavery – once and for all. Half-measures only increase their contemptability in the eyes of their “masters” and lead to more lies and oppressions, more crushed hopes, and more demoralization.

    Lose your chains, Europe, don’t exchange them for fancier chains.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Bad_Brad January 24, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    “Sooner or later we need to stop trying to understand the Liberal mind and see it for what it is.”

    Not disagreeing with that “step”. But quoting the “drive through lady” in “Dude, Where’s My Car?”, “And then?”. “Patriots” keep asking “Where are the heroes to save the country?”. This country. (Or that country, take your pick.) These people. Their government. Even if you claim that “patriots” will spruce it up, after “heroes” hand them the keys, “And then?”.

    Are the wasted minds the ones that want to “Burn it down.”? Or the ones that insist that the smoke you smell is just badthink, we’ll do just fine right here in these resplendent ashes?

  6. The lines about being threatened with arrest for having knives handy or a victim being arrested for defending himself against an attacker/burgler make it sound like the writer is in England, where this kind of thing happens often.
    And having known a few British women who (especially in recent years) have turned hard left, I can see them using the kkk/hillbilly remarks, because in England that all we here in the USA are, a bunch of gun-loving hicks who they cannot understand what possible reason we all need to own firearms for.

  7. I tend to call bull on this story because, even in those countries where it’s “banned”, 1) they allow their hunters to possess and use rifles and 2) pepper spray IS commonly allowed.

    Doesn’t pass my smell test.

  8. I’d say it depends on how the terms are mis-characterized. According to popular culture conservatives are misogynistic, bigoted and backwards knuckle draggers who haven’t clawed their way to the 21st century yet.
    And being a bit on the squishy side shouldn’t condemn you to being brutalized.

  9. This lady is definitely American…. not just the KKK, hillbillies, no teeth stereotype… No way do Europeans even think about American stereotypes like that. But she writes “the guy got sent to the hospital”…. don’t all the Brits say “got sent to hospital” ?

    And her friend lives over a bar and got robbed… sounds like New York City.

  10. I possessed a gun in one of the European countries now crumbling to dust when I lived there many years ago. I bought it from an old veteran who was scared to death to own it. He took it off an Axis POW in exchange for bread. He kept it hidden behind a stone in the wall of his attic. He practically gave it to me and made me swear I wouldn’t rat him out if I was caught with it. I felt so sorry for him that he was not trusted by his own government. I had no problem getting it back home. Europe sucks cock and so do most of the men there. They are doomed.

  11. When I think about Europe (which isn’t very often) and their systemic pansiness, I attribute it to the centuries of a feudal mindset. They are all too willing to be taken care of by their lords, as long as they have bread and circuses. They’ve had multiple opportunities to throw that mindset off (the Enlightenment, World Wars) but each time the dog has happily returned to its vomit. Mourn the loss of what was, but don’t pity the current holders of responsibility – they did it with both eyes wide open.

  12. “When I think about Europe (which isn’t very often) and their systemic pansiness, I attribute it to the centuries of a feudal mindset. They are all too willing to be taken care of by their lords, as long as they have bread and circuses”

    A very good angle I haven’t considered. A good point. However we have the same problem here. The Die on my own sword syndrome. I don’t get it.

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