How Long Will the Washington Post Cover For the CIA? – IOTW Report

How Long Will the Washington Post Cover For the CIA?

front page mag

Bottom line: the Post, that vaunted bulwark of American freedom, was, as [Watergate expert Larry] O’Connor puts it, “guilty of a cover-up far more significant than Nixon’s.” More

11 Comments on How Long Will the Washington Post Cover For the CIA?

  1. I cannot remember which prezzy created the
    CIA but later he said he created a MONSTER
    that could not be destroyed.Looks like they
    fuel their international crime exploits by
    running drugs into our country.Remember the Mena
    AR. airport where they found those 3 boys cut up
    and beat up and dead! Coroner said they smoked weed
    and then laid on some rail road tracks.My cell phone level 4 engineer mentor & friend told me one time a 2-way radio tech was at the remote air field repairing a radio at a tower site around 2 am.He said 2 guys in black suv drove up and told him he was done for the night and needed leave right now! They had sub-machine guns on a leather strap under their arms.


    HST made CIA – But it WAS FDR’s OSS renamed to fool the “low info”.

    Same with GWB renaming the very, very unpopular NCLB “Common Core”.

    Both leftist Presidents had some success with the rename.

  3. The CIA was created by Harry Truman in 1947. Before that they were the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services during World War 2. I have never liked spooks, The Navy rated me for Intelligence work when I first joined because I had some college (and a fairly high IQ) before I enlisted in the Navy. I found that I had too much of a conscience to be a spook and I was a Christian and the two aren’t compatible. Spooks remind me too much of crazy Col. Flagg from MASH.

  4. I remember reading many years ago that Maureen Dean had been a high-priced call girl. If true, it makes the rest of this story make sense, ie the part about the break-in being orchestrated by John Dean and run by the CIA.

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