How Much Are the Kid’s Dresses? – IOTW Report

How Much Are the Kid’s Dresses?

The lady who rails about wage gaps and 1%ers and the evils of capitalism wore a $2300 dress to greet the pope.

The kids look fine. Are those $2300 dresses too?


Breibart has the coverage, but to tell you the truth I am concerned for John Nolte’s mental health.

He concludes his article by writing –

“Michelle Obama is a striking woman. She doesn’t need a $2300 dress to look good.”



53 Comments on How Much Are the Kid’s Dresses?

  1. Stash’s dress is like spumoni ice cream.

    Do this to yourself: stand up and extend your arm outwards to shake a hand, like Moose is doing in the picture above. Is your elbow at the same height as the midpoint of your ass? She’s a freak of nature.

  2. The left says that ‘Appropriating cultural affectations is racism’
    On that vein, Women of African descent appropriating hairstyles belonging to other races should be unacceptable. Their hair is not naturally straight. That is a hair type White people and Asians enjoy.
    Lets talk about the environmental impact that straightening their hair causes. What noxious chemicals are they rinsing down the drain so they can have white person hair?
    If I were a liberal and the races reversed I would have a cow.

  3. Maybe “striking” means she’s been “on strike” with the hootchie because Barrack’s been spending too much time at Man’s Country … and you can tell by her sour demeanor that she hasn’t got any in years

    Maybe that’s what Nolte is hinting at

  4. I’ve bought classier dresses off of the sales rack at Marshall’s. And by that I mean, the dresses were actually classy. (And inexpensive.). She can’t make nice clothes look good, but the crap she wears, gawd!!

  5. A waste of $2300. That looks like one of the basic dresses we learned to sew in 1970 1st home ec class. You know, back when such oppressive classes we offered to girls only.

    Simplicity Sewing Patterns for Dummies are better designs than that waste of fabric.

  6. Hee hee I just got back from the ‘exclusive’ Volunteers of America where I am buying my jeans during my weight loss program. 99 cents for jeans for house and yard work. $5.99 to $8 for NWT designer jeans. Not bad especially since I need smaller stuff every 3-4 weeks. I digress…

    The thrift store had some much nicer looking dresses for under $8. The Moose Cow got robbed. Dumb twat.

  7. If she paid $2300 for those dresses I would be shocked. They look like stuff you’d get at Target. Particularly hers. And speaking of being shocked….I was shocked that she and her girls came out to greet the Holy Father wearing those dresses. Every woman I’ve ever seen in the news meeting the Pope are dressed in black. I just can’t get over this. I know they hate Christianity but they represent all Americans, not just their own ideology.

  8. Raping the coffers like all good despots. This opportunity to spend your money (if you are lucky enough to be working in Obama’s America) on the first family frocks is just a tiny segment of the bucks spent daily.

    Thousands are spent hourly on supporting the desires of the One’s extended ‘family’ in Washington DC. Crooked is as crooked does. Screw America is no doubt the slogan of these small people.

    Obama has never done anything for anyone or anything, what makes you feel he cares about anything you feel? Cheat, steal, & lie is all the lot of them have ever done and most likely will ever do. What did you expect?

  9. I just unsubscribed NewsMax. I knew they were starting to lean left but today’s Daily Digest was too much!
    They’re All drinking out of the same KoolAid cup!
    And Mooch looked her usual self in that dress…butt ugly!

  10. Accept the truth or not, John Nolte was correct. Michelle Obama doesn’t need an expensive dress to look good. All she needs is a bunch of bananas, and she’ll be irresistible to any silverback….

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