How Ronald Reagan Handled Protesters – IOTW Report

How Ronald Reagan Handled Protesters


13 Comments on How Ronald Reagan Handled Protesters

  1. Unlike Presidents since 1960; Ronnie said what he believed and believed what he said. Which is why he had not problem fighting for his positions. The rest did not believe what they said; so did not fight!

    Because of his honesty he is the only man to win 48 or more states each and every time!

  2. “Man, do we miss men (and leaders) like him.”

    We have one now. This is a reflection on how far the media in particular has drifted communist. If it were Reagan today instead of Trump things would not be nearly as rosy. And I consider Reagan our best President ever.

  3. How much our country has declined since then. The kooks who tried (and failed so miserably) to heckle him are in charge now. Ronald Reagan would not be able to speak in California and many other states.

  4. Same playbook, different thugs.

    Reagan’s popularity polled at 35% in his first 2 years. It went up only after he was shot by Hinkley. At re-election he won 49 of 50 states.

    The parallels to the way the media, GOP and Dems treated Reagan and Trump during the election and into his presidency are amazing. Reagan was better with words. Trump’s skill set is financial leverage.

    In the ensuing 30+ years, bureaucracy has multiplied and lobbyist payments to lawmakers have gone from $114K to $6 million. Trump’s skill set is the one this country needs at this time.

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