How Stein Is Going to Spend Her Recount Refund – IOTW Report

How Stein Is Going to Spend Her Recount Refund


The Wisconsin recount cost about half as much as expected, leaving a refund of $1.5 million for Green Party candidate Jill Stein to spend as she sees fit.  Stein was on the steps of the capital in Madison Tuesday to announce to a thin crowd of around 20 followers the formation of “Count My Vote Wisconsin” which calls itself “a grassroots group dedicated to making elections fair in Wisconsin.”


Their Facebook page looks like a bunch of befuddled old hippies hoping for another Viet Nam War to give their lives meaning again.

10 Comments on How Stein Is Going to Spend Her Recount Refund

  1. Jill Stein (aka. All Mein) has bought Bernie’s Vermont cottage on the beach and she has promised that he can live in the cottage above the garage, and she also promises to pay all of his dental bills…

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