How to Humanely Reduce Unlawful Immigration and Shut Down Open-Borders Democrats – IOTW Report

How to Humanely Reduce Unlawful Immigration and Shut Down Open-Borders Democrats

American Thinker:

[…] In the first half of the 19th century, most immigrants arriving in New York City landed at docks on the east side of the tip of Manhattan, around South Street.  On August 1, 1855, Castle Clinton became the Emigrant Landing Depot[.] … [W]hen the U.S. government assumed control of immigration processing, [it moved] the center to the larger, more isolated Ellis Island facility on January 2, 1892 … because immigrants were known to carry diseases, which led to epidemics of cholera and smallpox…. MORE

7 Comments on How to Humanely Reduce Unlawful Immigration and Shut Down Open-Borders Democrats

  1. All great ideas until some leftist judge who wants to legislate from the bench decides that it’s SOMEHOW unconstitutional.
    We need to deal with that problem right now, or no rational plan will BE ALLOWED to work.
    Criminalize “judicial overreach”, a congressional vote and presidential signature can do that, and then start a very fast track impeachment proceedings (a week).
    All such cases of “judicial overreach” immediately go to the head of the line for a Supreme Court hearing. If the Supremes are not in session, then the lefty judges court order is automatically stayed until the Supremes can get around to deciding.
    We need to handle our politically corrupt judges first or those bastards will sabotage EVERYTHING we do.


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