How you know when you’ve added too much… Tuesday, 1 October 2019, 1:05 BFH Uncategorized 9 ht/ u/Sola__Fide Jeffersonian Republicanism
And some added cow manure (cow pies) for fiber just because. And cow pee just to make it tangy for added flavor. 3
The crew that digs 10,380 lbs. a day can share a cookie – if there are any cookies left over from the politicians. izlamo delenda est … 5
Note that there is NO limit to the amount of chocolate chips or nuts you can dump in – that’s Capitalism! 3
Very good representation.
Yeah, but with Socialism, the cookies are free!
Shouldn’t the Socialism cookie be made of mud and straw?
The socialism cookie place should be just a few crumbs.
And some added cow manure (cow pies) for fiber just because. And cow pee just to make it tangy for added flavor.
The crew that digs 10,380 lbs. a day can share a cookie – if there are any cookies left over from the politicians.
izlamo delenda est …
That’ll go well with some tasty Tree Bark Soup !
Claudia OCTOBER 1, 2019 AT 3:53 AM
Straw? That was collected for the government stables.
Note that there is NO limit to the amount of chocolate chips or nuts you can dump in – that’s Capitalism!