HUD Worker Gets Near $ 1 Mil For Being Called “Buckwheat” – IOTW Report

HUD Worker Gets Near $ 1 Mil For Being Called “Buckwheat”

A HUD boss, Mary K. Kinney had the temerity to refer to one of her employees as “Buckwheat.”  Kinney, a real screw up who cost taxpayers $4 million by spending government money on a publicity campaign to burnish her image (including a feature in a beauty magazine) retired quietly after the $900,000 settlement with the HUD employee.

The HUD EEOC ignored the requirement for consistent abuse (and not the one off comment) and awarded the record setting settlement to the still unidentified HUD worker.


Our government at work.  Taxpayers getting screwed coming and going.

28 Comments on HUD Worker Gets Near $ 1 Mil For Being Called “Buckwheat”

  1. no jury involved in this taxpayer funded travesty. No wonder they tried to keep it secret. 900K for being called buckwheat, absolutely insane. heads need to roll, the sooner the better. DT,s got a lot of work to do. It seems that most gov agencies are totally out of control.

  2. In a way, it might be best to give “Buckwheat” One Trillion dollars and be done with it. Done with social security (so my family can invest for our own retirement). Done with medicare (so my family has the money to save for prudent health care). Done with welfare (so my family doesn’t have to pay for those who don’t want to work). Done with the infringement on an individuals right to freedom of association (so we no longer have to serve assholes in our shops). And, best of all, done with Fed-Nanny (so that we are free to live our lives as we wish as long as we don’t cause true harm to our neighbor).

  3. So HUD boss Kinney calls an employee Buckwheat, and we the taxpayers (not Kinney) have to pay Buckwheat $1m? WTF? How do we know Kinney and Buckwheat weren’t in kahoots and are now splitting the lottery money?

  4. I used to frequent a local Starbucks where this black guy used to call me Tiny Tim because I had long hair. One day I responded by calling him Buckwheat. He never called me Tiny Tim again.

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