A Bullsh!t artist who owns paintbrushes.
Daily Caller: Just weeks after President Donald Trump was acquitted in his Senate impeachment trial, one potential Republican witness has reinvented himself — and scored a flattering profile piece from the New York Times.
Hunter Biden, whose connection with Ukrainian gas company Burisma raised questions about former Vice President Joe Biden’s actions, topped many Republicans’ witness wish lists when it appeared that the president’s impeachment trial might go that particular route.
Biden, meanwhile, has reportedly been painting for years — but he told NYT’s Adam Popescu that it’s only recently that he has felt comfortable with the label “artist.” MORE HERE

A scam artist! Learned the technique from his dad.
Aw Phoooey…he just wants to cut off his ear and die in an Absinthe coma…
Reminds me of that old expression, “ What a BS artist!” That expression fits him like a glove.
Our Poor Joey will be painting with big brushes and crayons before much longer. It’s very therapeutic. Most dementia wards make use of it for patients who don’t eat the crayons and lick the paint brushes.
A bullshit artist!
Did you bullshit anybody LAST week Hunter? Did you TRY and bullshit anybody? 🙄
His family tree is full of con artists.
maybe a Fartist
“Blow Art”, huh?
Practicing for prison
I’ll bet he’s a poet too.
But does any of this keep him from answering his court date.