Hunter Indictment Avoids Mention of His Co-conspirator – IOTW Report

Hunter Indictment Avoids Mention of His Co-conspirator

Red State

In a Friday article, [Jonathan] Turley observed that “The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden.”

“In that sense,” Turley said, “the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion.”

In other words, the George Washington University Law School professor charged, the DOJ very carefully and very intentionally wrote the indictment to protect Joe Biden from any implications of wrongdoing. More

5 Comments on Hunter Indictment Avoids Mention of His Co-conspirator

  1. The White House is waiting for all of the charges to stack p and then they’ll Pardon him. In fact they may even Pardon him sooner just to avoid the bad publicity. And the Biden will Pardon himself.

  2. That’s what i have been saying for a while.

    The first President to Father & Son Team to self pardon.

    Cheers Brad, I had a great fuckin Mountain Bike Ride today in the Mud, snow & Rain!


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